Year Four: The Goblet of Fire pt 1

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(3rd Person POV)

*In a graveyard at the caretaker's house, an old man lights a gas oven with a match, he is preparing food. He suddenly notices a light on in the large house opposite, he stops what he's doing and walks to the door.*

Old Man: Bloody kids.

*He grabs his torch and keys and leaves the house and heads towards the light. The old man is wandering up to the house carrying a lit torch. He opens the front door, inside is just as dark. He begins climbing the stairs, we hear whispers and hushed voices coming from upstairs. The old man waits outside the room where the conversation is taking place and listens on. What he didn't know, was that the voices were of Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) and Voldemort.*

Wormtail: Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the Potters, and Kyler...

Voldemort: NO! The boys and the girl are everything, it cannot be done without Harry Potter. And it WILL be done exactly as I say.

*Just then, two other men walked over to the chair. Adam and someone else. Adam kneeled down to Voldemort.*

Adam: Yes, my lord.

Voldemort: I know you won't fail me, Adam. But I have a job for you that is required for the World Cup tomorrow. Charles Xavier. He'll be there. You must intercept him and kill him. Take some Death Eaters with you. And bring our newest member with you.

Adam: Yes, my lord. I'm sure he will do fine.

*The other man nodded.*

Unknown Man: I will not disappoint you my lord.

Voldemort: Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign.

*A snake, Nagini, slithers past the old man and into the room. He hears the slithering and jumps quietly. Then, Nagini speaks in Parseltongue to Voldemort.*

Voldemort: Nagini tells me the old muggle caretaker is standing outside the door.

*Adam stands in the doorway and looks at the old man. The old man looks terrified.*

Voldemort: Step aside, Adam, so I can give our guest a proper greeting.

Adam: *Grins Devilishly.* Yes, lord Voldemort.

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

*A green light shines brightly and the old man screams.*

(Hermione POV)

Hermione: Harry. Harry! Are you alright?

*Harry woke up in a sweat from a nightmare. He put his glasses on as I set the candle down at his bedside. Alexa was behind me trying to wake up Ronald. Honestly, that boy is such a deep sleeper.*

Harry: Hermione. Bad dream. When did you get here?

Hermione: Just now. You?

Harry: Alexa and I arrived last night.

Alexa: Hermione, I give up. Ron's not waking up.

Hermione: Let me try.

*I walked over to Ron and shook him.*

Hermione: Wake up. Wake up, Ronald.

*He still didn't wake up. I then overheard Alexa and Harry.*

Harry: Still nothing from Jason?

Alexa: No. It's really starting to worry me. What about you, have you heard from him?

Harry: No. I haven't. Hermione?

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now