Unexpected Visitor

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2 more Years Later

Standing in front of the white board in my classroom Alaric had assigned me to teach a class on my family history seeing as my brother and I were the only heretics around anymore. Valerie had moved away to start living a new life in this world since all the rest of her so-called family was dead. "Basically what I know of my parents' story is this. She was a witch and he was an ordinary human. And they had me and my twin brother Jacob."

"Mrs. Mikaelson, how can a human and a witch possibly have anything in common?" One of the boys in the front row raised his hand.

Tapping my right foot on the wooden floor I thought for a second. "From what I have been told my mother kept the fact that she was a witch a secret. She was born without her own magic, which is what we call a siphon."

"Like Josie and Lizzie?" A girl with brown hair asked.

Tucking hair behind my ear I smiled glancing towards the doorway. My daughters were off somewhere since they didn't need to learn about what they were. "Yes. My two younger daughters are like them. But my older got her own actual witch magic-"

"Mom...We need you." Shifting my gaze towards the door I heard it creak open and saw Hope standing slightly with her head peeking inside.

Clasping my hands together I looked back at the class in front of me. "Ah I'm sorry everyone but I have to take care of something. In the meantime I have a guest to answer any more questions. Please welcome my dad, Kayce."

Hope pushed open the door where my father walked in with a nervous smile. "So uh does anyone have any questions?" Everyone shot their hand up in the air when I walked over to my eldest daughter leaving my father to answer questions.

"So what's happening that you need to come get me?" I asked her, seeing she was nervous by how her heart was beating.

She shrugged her shoulders. "You'll just have to see. Apparently Mary is on campus and wants Alina to come back to New Orleans for some reason."

"Oh geez. She wants them to marry soon. Take my hand and hold on tight otherwise you'll get sick." Holding out my hand she put her hand in mine where we vamped out into the woods seeing that the older werewolf was out there with Alina and Jackson.

Alina and Jackson noticed me standing there. "Mom, can you ask Mary to give us time? We aren't ready to talk about marriage and all that stuff." She asked me holding his hand in hers.

"Raelyn, I told you that I wanted them married by the time they were sixteen or seventeen. They will be in a year so I think they need to start preparing now." Mary stomped over to us where I dropped my hand from Hope's.

Crossing my arms over my chest I scowled at the elderly wolf woman. "Mary, I have a lot more going on right now. So I don't have time to scamper off to the bayou to start planning a wedding. Besides, I doubt my husband will be very happy if he doesn't walk his daughter down the aisle."

"Mom, what exactly are you talking about. Why is a wedding between them so important?" Hope looked between me and Mary confused.

Jackson lifted his gaze upward to my eldest daughter explaining what Mary had clearly taught him. "You didn't grow up out there, Hope. Yeah, every kid grows up hearing the stories. Back in the day, werewolf bloodlines were all distinct, right? Some had speed, some had strength, some could sense enemies from miles away. Now, to evolve, we would perform a ritual. A shaman would marry the alphas of each bloodline, and then the special abilities of each would be... inherited, mystically, by everyone who participated in the ritual. See, after a few centuries, everybody had the same abilities, so alpha marriages became political. They became about... power, about territory."

"Mom, why would you make it where Jack and I have to marry? I mean we're close but we aren't that physically close. I'm not ready to make all those animal noises like you and dad did to make babies." Alina raised her hands in disgust at the thought of still being so young.

Throwing my head back I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Sweetheart, look it was a deal I made to get your father back. But now I think this marriage should only happen if they actually had feelings for each other. Mary, I suggest you go back to the bayou and wait until we decide whether this is that important. Because I think you just want a party."

"It ain't just a party. If the vows ain't honored, it doesn't work." Jackson grumbled in my direction when I said that before he looked at Alina. "It's gotta be a real marriage, in every way, for the rest of our lives. Are you up for that?"

Alina avoided his gaze by getting to her feet trying to walk away. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to go...uh."

"You need to come back with me, dear. Your mother made a deal and we are honoring it." Mary snagged her wrist tightly holding her there.

Jackson stepped forward. "Mom, let her go."

I raised my hand to knock her back until someone else called out. "Leave my sister alone!" Before my eyes we all watched four year old Henrik run forward and shove Mary backwards with a strong supernatural strength.

"Ah! He's going to be just like his daddy." Mary huffed getting to her feet. "We'll talk later." She vanished off the ground by the time I rushed over to my son.

Bending down on my knees I gripped his shoulders searching for anything wrong. "Henrik, baby are you okay. How did you do that-" I cut myself off seeing some flashes where he was on the ground inside the school changing into a light grey wolf.

Hope helps Alina up to her feet and they walk back to the school entrance. "Come on, Lina. Let's go talk." Picking my son up in my arms I sighed heavily thinking what Mary said meaning he would likely be a hybrid just like his father.

Comments really appreciated ❤️ Melvia-ito

Author - what should happen next???

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