Finally a Family Reunion

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3 years later

Kai had actually left the rest of us alone for a little while. Long enough for Hayley, Cami and I to locate all except for one of the werewolves packs that we needed blood from. Alairc and Jo had been pretty good and even learned that they were about to have twins of their own. "Are we sure we should keep the girls here with Mary?" Jaocb asked leaned against the porch white fence.

"We can't take them where Hayley has the last werewolf held up. You know as well as I. It's not safe for them." Crossing my arms over my chest I heard a truck pull into the driveway and Mary got out of it since we asked her to watch them.

Mary walked up to us, hands in her pocket. "I don't see why you don't just leave them asleep in their coffins. Your girls are safe, that's what should matter more."

"Mary, they are Mikaelson's first and foremost. I have waited far too long to stop getting my husband back." Spinning on my feet I throw my hair in my face.

She sighed heavily in frustration. "Forgive me if I don't want the little girl who is supposed to marry a werewolf in my family line to wind up dead."

"Jacob, what is she talking about?" Turning on my heels I eyed my brother with a raised brow confused at what she was saying.

He slowly walked down the stairs taking my hands in his shifting his gaze downward to mine. "I made a deal so she would give up the last known seventh werewolf that lives. So in exchange for helping us free the Mikaelson's from their curse. Mine and Hayley's daughter will marry her son Jackson."

"Have you talked with Hayley about bethrothing her daughter off to a ten year old boy?" I asked my twin seeing his gaze drop to the dirt.

"No, I haven't yet." He admitted sadly.

Rolling my eyes I clasped my hands together turning towards the alpha mother werewolf. "Okay Mary, let's do it this way. Now if I understand this right you want his daughter to marry your son. Can I ask why exactly?"

"Hayley is from the Crescent bloodline and he is from the Keener one. These two are alpha packs. And so to ensure that the transfer for supernatural power goes down they have to wed." Mary began explaining to me. "It's a ritual ceremony that will give to transfer speed, strength and everything else to the whole pack."

"Doesn't it seem pointless now since Hayley had me turn her entire pack into hybrids. Meaning that your son is the only one who isn't connected to me through blood." I spat at her knowing that I had broken the sire link so that the pack wasn't forced to run when I did.

The crescent werewolf made a glare at me. "I don't think it is pointless. It would be two alphas coming together. Andrea has the werewolf crescent blood-"

"She hasn't shown any of her werewolf traits though. She's just now barely showing her witch gene that she got from my brother. So why take the chance that she doesn't." I cut her off short.

She tilted her head to the side. "If Andrea and Jackson didn't marry then who would you suggest?"

"My daughter Alina. She has been showing her werewolf side for years now. So I say you wed them and then that would take care of your entire pack." I suggested seeing my twin sending me a questionable look but I didn't back down. We needed that last wolf blood no matter what.

Mary stepped closer to me holding out the piece of paper out to me and Jacob. "You better keep your word, Mrs. Mikaelson. Because if you break it I will make you and your family suffer..."

"I won't break my word. I promise it." She handed me the paper walking towards her truck leaving me and Jacob alone.

He put his hands on his hips glaring at me. "You didn't have to do that. You just signed her future away."

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now