Red Head From His Past

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Klaus and I were sitting out on the balcony listening to the sounds of New Orleans. He had his arms draped over my shoulders with me leaning into his embrace. "Do you remember when Damon and Stefan were worried about Alaric killing you?"

"Yes I do. But I thought we were enjoying the moment together. Not reminiscing about my near death experience." He taunts me in my ear nuzzling his nose into my hair.

Lifting my head up I grumbled back at him and his mouth. "That's not what I meant, Mr. hybrid. What I meant was they talked about you being their sire. What does that mean?"

"Raelyn, you already know about that. After what happened with Finn and Kol don't you?" He made a confused look at me.

"No I don't. Remember I think I was passed out seeing my cousin Kai. So tell me about it please, Nik." Shifting around on his lap I draped my arms around his neck staring into his blue eyes deeply.

He clicked his tongue at me. "Fine, fine. Since me and my siblings are the first vampires in history. Meaning that anyone we turn after with our blood in their system becomes linked to us."

"So sort of like our linking ring that we had my mother make with your blood and mine mixed together?" I added on understanding what he was saying.

Nik nodded brushing hair behind my ear that had fallen in front of my face. "Yes, my love. Now since I turned say you and Lucien you two are linked to me regardless of the magical ring on your finger. So if I die then you will too."

"And you can convince me to do anything with the sire bond link." Biting my lip I began playing with the dog tag necklace he was wearing like always.

Nik wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me closer with our noses up against one another. "But I shall never force you into something you don't wish for. You are my equal in every way, Raelyn. You bring out the good in me."

"And you occasionally bring out the bad sides of me. So you are my equal too, Nik." Leaning forward I kiss him slowly moving my fingers up into his curly hair. He deepens the kiss with his hands pressed on my lower back.

"Nik, we should be worrying about this future that Lucien apparently believes to be true. Cause you and I both know now that our linked blood ring won't do any good." Shrugging my shoulders leaning in the doorway with him staring out the balcony window holding a glass of blood.

He slightly looked over his shoulder back to me. "Rae, you have nothing to worry about. In my experience most witches just wish to fill our heads with paranoia. Your life...our lives are perfectly safe." He sat down the glass vamping over to me grasping his hands in my smaller ones wanting to calm my nerves.

"But what if she was right. What if there is a proficie that will wipe out the last three vampire limes. And take down everyone they turned with them. Lucien has a right to be afraid." Shaking my head at my husband I hadn't really been nervous since I had turned.

He reached down, picking up the glass of blood offering it to me. "Raelyn, please enough about a fake vision. Now drink this and go take a stroll through the streets. To clear your head. My other vampires may be worried but you needn't be."

"Okay, fine. Come find me later." I downed the glass sitting it on the table. Leaning up on my toes I kissed his cheek vamping out of the compound. The second I began my walk outside I honestly was feeling better. After we defeated Dahlia we had relaxed up until we knew that my uncle Joshua knew about all of our daughters. The wind blew my hair in my face before I entered a random shop hoping it was a bar only to come in contact with some science beakers and drops of blood on a table with no one to be found.

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