The Magical Border

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Pulling the car up to a stop at the edge of the Mystic Falls sign I shut the passenger door gently. The wind was blowing through my hair with me holding Missy's hand in mine. Caroline had said that no supernatural could get into the town anymore. So we're here to test that theory. "Are we sure that Caroline is telling the truth or could she just be concerned that there's a threat inside the town?" He asked.

"I don't think Caroline would lie about that. She loves her little hometown. - Alina no!" I screamed seeing that she was about to press her hand forward and step over the line.

She didn't listen to me where she pressed her hand against the barrier where her hand turned red siphoning something. "Woah..."

"Alina, let go now  - agh!" Vamping up to her I wrapped my arms her waist tugging her backwards but she pushed me away and I stumbled over the barrier where I winced feeling a hole forming in my stomach where I was impaled and died. Visions flashed through my mind where I did my best to get back over the line.

"Jacob!" I suddenly gasped shooting up in a sitting position. My heart beating quick as my eyes flickered around the forest landing on my twin brother laying on his back.

Joshua glanced down to my boyfriend Klaus who was still dead from the neck snap I had given him. He bent down placing his hand on his chest looking back up at me. "So he's the father huh. I am surprised that you got him. Everyone knows to fear his name." He got to his feet laying his palms flat for me. "You are doing what you were born to do, Raelyn Lane."

One of my hands tangled in his curly blonde locks tugging on them making him moan pulling back when my heart began thumping loudly in his ears. "I will go anywhere with you, Klaus Mikaelson."

"And I am with you, Raelyn Lane." He declares smirking down at me seeing the genuine grin on my face and the wind blowing through my blonde hair where he wanted to live in this moment forever.

Grabbing a hold of his dog tag necklace I yanked his lips down onto mine vamping him onto his back catching him off guard for probably the first time. "If anyone else did that their head would be on the end of a spike!" He growled up at me with his hands behind his head smirking that devilish one.

"Yes, yes I know." I attempted to mimic his accent by throwing my hands up in the air. "I will hunt down everyone you know and everyone you love because I am the Hybrid - ah Klaus!"

"One more step and I'll kill her."

"No you won't!" Klaus growled vamping the hybrid against the tree behind me where my body got thrown harshly into another tree stabbing me multiple times where I felt my blood coming out.

"With this ring I forever, I do." Klaus declares shifting his gaze from mine and down to the ring. He slides the ring on my left hand lifting his gaze back up to mine and holding his gaze strongly smirking.

"With this ring I forever, I do." Laughing through happy tears I slid the band on Klaus's left ring finger.

Klaus wrapped his arms around my forearms, wincing when he yanked me back over the line. I gasped holding a hand over the wound seeing it slowly stop bleeding and it finally healed. "Raelyn, what happened? Where does it hurt?" He was all in a panic grabbing a hold of my shoulder.

"Caroline...was...right." Gasping I hugged my knees to my chest seeing our daughters all giving me a terrified look.

Hope played with the end of her pink shirt. "Mommy, are you okay?"

"What happened?" Missy tilted her head, always being the curious but innocent one.

Finally Alina came up to me apologizing. "Mommy, I'm sorry. I just could feel...magic."

"Next time you're mother or I tell you to do something. You do and don't fight us. We are trying to protect you, do you understand that?" Klaus raised his tone but not enough to scare them.

All three girls responded together in unison. "Yes daddy."

"Good right now Raelyn what happened. Tell me what happened when you crossed." He asked gently holding my shoulders.

Sucking in a breath I wrapped my arms around myself meeting his blue orbs. "It was like my life flashed before my eyes. I saw Jacob die,,..then me. Our wedding and everything in between. And then I fell myself bleeding out from where I stabbed by a tree..."

"Come here, love. Sssh." He put one hand on the back of my head running his fingers through my hair. Leaving his other hand on my lower back holding me close to his embrace.n

Wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingernails were gripping his black leather jacket. Sniffing through tears I broke the hug rising to my feet along with him following shortly after. "Let's get something to eat then we can sort this all out."

Klaus drove us until we parked outside what looked like a bar. Entering the door a woman came around the bar top about to throw us out. "Oh I'm sorry sir, they can't be here unless they are twenty one."

"Oh my mistake, love." He placed a hand on her shoulder with his eyes dilating when he compelled her. "You'll let us stay without any fight. And you'll pour some of your blood in two glasses if you want to get a good tip."

She nodded, sending our daughters a smile gesturing to the open bar stools walking into the back room. "Here you girls can sit up here. I'll be back with your drinks."

"You really should not do that to the poor girl. She doesn't deserve to be compelled." I sat down beside the girls resting my arms on the bar island.

Klaus clicked his tongue. "I figured the girls should be able to enjoy a nice meal somewhere if we have it in our power to do so."

The waitress came back with our glasses and some juice for the kids. I raised my glass to my lips enjoying the taste of her blood running down my throat. My phone buzzed when I picked it up, pressing it to my ear. "Caroline, hey. What's going on with you?"

"Oh nothing much heading into a bar for a drink. How are you and Klaus?" She replied through the phone.

The door behind us opened where I turned around on my barstool grinning brightly when I recognized her. She hung her phone up and put it in her back pocket. She opened her arms and I jumped down embracing her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at college."

"I was until I heard my mom talking about some vampire lurking on the border. But it's great to see you and your girls." She breaks the hug bending down on her knees to be the girl's level. "Hi girls."

Missy immediately went to her first, flinging her arms around her. Hope came after that with Alina following afterwards. "Caroline!" She hugged them each tightly, staring up at me and Klaus.

"I have compelled the bartender and I'll pay for the drinks. So have at it, love." Klaus raised a glass in his hands smiling.

Caroline shook her head. "I'm good, Klaus. Although I did see a playground nearby. I can take the girls too if you want me to."

Missy jumped up. "Please!"

Alina danced around in a circle. "Can we go!"

Hope grabbed Caroline's hand in hers. "Can we, can we?"

Klaus sat his drink down on the barstool meeting my gaze seeing that I gave him a head nod yes in agreement. "Yes you can go with Caroline. Just be safe."

The three ran off before I heard my phone go off so I answered it by hearing my uncle Joshua's voice. "Hello Raelyn, we need to discuss your current situation with your children. Meet me at my house in Portland." He hung up the phone where I made a weird face towards my husband.

Comments really appreciated ❤️


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