Bye Bye Hollow

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Klaus and I were closely following behind Hayley back out into the main living room of the compound. Cami and Jacob were here now with the rest of the Mikaelson's in tow. Resting my hands on the table in the middle of the room I glanced between the group. "Alright so tell us what happened exactly. Because as far as anyone knew the Hollow had gone into hiding for two years."

"Hayley had gone out to do a wolf run since she's able to control when she turns. And I heard Andrea mumbling something but I couldn't understand it. Next thing I know she showed me her eyes and they were bright blue." My brother Jacob shrugged his shoulders leaning against the window frame.

Hayley wrapped her arms around herself, sighing heavily where I could sense her nerves. "She used to run around with the butterflies all the time. But then she just stopped a few days ago. And it just was she just stared off in the distance in silence."

"So she's the complete opposite of herself. Every parent knows their kids better than they know themselves until they're older." Pushing my hair out of my face I sucked in a breath in thought.

Freya walked up to me laying some drawings that Andrea had done a few years ago when the Hollow began haunting her. "I've been looking at the drawings and I'm not sure what they mean but this is definitely the symbol for the Hollow." The pictures were all the same where it looked like a snake was trying to eat its own tail and was shaped in a circle.

"Why are we bickering about what we think happened and not just going and killing this thing once and for all." Kol asked, reaching for a baseball he kept underneath the table.

"Because it's not that simple, Kol," Elijah stated, his tone calm yet stern. "The Hollow is not just another vampire we can stake. It's an ancient spirit, it doesn't die easily."

Rebekah chipped in, her eyes full of concern. "And taking it on without a plan could mean walking into a trap. Especially when we have nieces and Andrea to consider."

I started pacing, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "We need to find out how Andrea's connected to the Hollow and how we can break that connection. If we can't, we risk not only her life but potentially all of ours."

Marcel, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. He had willingly joined our team when it came to protecting our children. "We have dealt with the Hollow before. We can use what we learned last time, find its weak points."

Klaus nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Marcel is right. We need to strategize, find out everything we can. The Hollow is cunning, powerful. We need to be prepared for anything."

Freya, with her knowledge of witchcraft, was our best bet at deciphering the symbols in Andrea's drawings. "I'll take another look at the drawings," she decided. "There may be more clues there than we realize."

As the group started discussing potential strategies, I found myself looking at Hayley, who was still standing quietly, her face pale. I knew we needed to act fast, not just for Andrea but for her too. The Hollow had already taken too much from us, we couldn't let it take away any more. Sitting in our bedroom I cradle Henrik in my arms humming a tone. "I wish I could say that you should stay here to protect our son. But I know you're too stubborn and that we also need your help with the magical side to get the Hollow out of her."

"I know you're worried, Nik. But none of us wish to sit here and watch Andrea get consumed by this thing." Lifting my head up Henrik made some noise at hearing his father's voice.

He slowly walked into the room lowering himself on a knee and letting Henrik suck on his thumb while we talked. "We won't let it hurt that poor girl any longer. Have you worked on that spell you were talking about yet?"

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