A Magical Favor

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Entering the bar down the street wanting to find Cami. It had been a while since we had come to know one another since we came into this city that we now called home. Shutting the door behind me I sat down on a barstool hearing her enter the room with my vamp ears. "Hey Raelyn, what can I get you today?"

"Nothing really. I just thought we should chat. Given that we haven't since the day we met." Clasping my hands together I sent her a smile.

She smiled sitting down her work notebook. "Oh alright. I'm actually done with my shift so let me grab my jacket then we can talk." She went into the back room before my phone started ringing seeing it was Jacob.

Pressing the phone to my ear. "Hey J, what's going on in the bayou?"

"Rae, Hayley and I have a favor to ask of you." He responded back.

Seeing Cami enter the room once more. "Uh sure. What kind of favor is it?"

"I'll explain when you get here. It's an odd supernatural subject if that makes sense. I can just say it involves the wolves of Hayley's pack." He explained hanging up the phone.

Tucking mine back into my pocket Cami made a face at me when I shrugged my jacket back on heading towards the door. "Hey, so are we still talking or is it a Mikaelson drama?"

"It's my brother actually. He's asking for my help. You can come if you want since you now know about the whole supernatural stuff and all. We are heading to the werewolf bayou." I shrugged my shoulders to her where she followed my heels and we went into the werewolf area.

Hayley and Jacob had moved out here since Marcel still didn't let wolves run in the quarter. The two of us walked up to the small cabin seeing my brother and Hayley come out and down the stairs hugging me. "Hey, sorry to ask you to come out here. But I need your help to protect me and my pack from the full moon curse that has been brought down on the Crescent pack."

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine. And I'm sorry if Cami shouldn't be here. But I said we would hang out." I broke the hug between each of them glancing over to the blonde human bartender.

Hayley shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine, Raelyn. Look, I have heard the stories that Klaus became a hybrid. And when he did he doesn't have to forcefully turn every full moon. My family's pack is cursed to be turned for a whole month until another full moon comes into play."

"So what exactly do you want from me?" I questioned her, confused.

Jacob walked closer to me looking at Cami too for a brief second. "We're hoping you could turn them into hybrids. So that they don't have to turn anymore."

"Wait more hybrids like Klaus?" I raised my brows at her. "Why do you think I can do that. I mean what about you, Jacob?"

He made a face at me. "I'm just a siphon witch, remember. You are a heretic now. You can turn them with your vampire blood."

"Wait so she would kill an entire pack just to make them stronger. Doesn't that seem a little extreme." Cami asks the three of us.

Running a hand through my hair I knew it could be possible. But as far as I know you needed doppelgänger blood to become a hybrid. There was no guarantee that my blood would work. "Hayley. Jacob, I..I appreciate the offer. But there's no chance that my blood would even work on them. I'm not a werewolf. I was born a witch."

"Yes but you and Klaus managed to conceive children. Neither of us are immortal and we are asking for your help to save me from being a wolf through what is coming next for me." Hayley clasped her hand together begging me.

Knitting my brows at the pair I almost couldn't believe what she was getting at. "Hang on a second. Am I missing something here or what?"

"I thought it would be obvious with your vamp hearing, sis. She is pregnant with my child." Jacob was grinning like he was a child again.

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