Family Troubles

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A few weeks after I found out what Missy had done we were finally attempting to fix the problem. Walking through the hallways I drank from a blood bag I took from the kitchen fridge. Moving my gaze around the room seeing that Josie and Hope were talking so she waved at me. “Hey aunt Rae Rae.”

“Hey Josie, you wouldn’t happen to know where your mother is would you?” I asked since I hadn’t seen her all morning which wasn’t common around here.

She shrugged her shoulders. “You can try my dad’s office. Sometimes she has her lunch break there.”

“Thanks Jo.” I raised the bag to my lips about to leave the girls to talk until Hope called my name, making me halt.

“Mom, are you going to ground Alina and Missy for what they did?”

She was always protective of her younger sister’s and especially her brother. A trait she clearly got from both me and Klaus. “I’m not sure yet sweetheart. I have to talk with your father later today. Actually better yet could you go find them for me and meet me upstairs in our room in about two hours.”

“Sure.” She smiled at me, sending Josie a look where she nodded back in agreement before I left the room back in search of Caroline. Knocking on Alaric’s office door I could hear them talking so I walked inside meaning I had found her. “Sorry to interrupt but Caroline I need to deal with a family matter. So I need someone to handle my class.”

Alaric was sitting at the desk and she was standing beside it. “Yeah sure I’ll find someone. We’ll talk later, Ric. Raelyn I’ll come with ya.”

“I don’t mean take pry but do you want to talk about whatever Alaric and you were talking about in there?” We exited the office and there was some comfortable silence that I had to break being able to see she had something on her mind.

She slumped her shoulders in defeat. “The girls are almost teenagers. Sooner or later they will be sixteen and then eighteen….all leading up to twenty-two. I’m not ready for that. Ric and I don’t want to tell them until we have found a solution like you did with yours kids.”

“I wish I could do the spell I used for your daughters. But without a living Gemini leader. I have no way of unlinking them from the curse….and I’m sorry for that Caroline.” I dropped my gaze to the ground in disappointment.

She grasped my hand in hers making me look her in the eye. “Don’t blame yourself, Rae. We all thought the babies had died before you could do the spell and use Kai’s blood. There has to be another way. We just have to find it.”

“What else is there, Care?” I questioned her seeing she had more to say like always.

She brushed some of her blonde curls from her eyes squeezing my hands in hers. “There is something else I needed to tell you. Alairc is staying here to watch the girls and the school. I am going to need someone else to help him run the school while I’m off searching for answers. And I was hoping it would be you.”

“I’d be thrilled, Caroline. Thank you for asking me.” I smiled at her before we embraced in a hug for a moment then I went upstairs and in my room seeing Hope had found Henrik and her sisters like I asked.

Closing the door with my foot I heard it click and lock behind us. Walking past them I grabbed the chak bending down on a knee and began drawing a barrier circle in the center of the floor. Grabbing some candles I put six around the circle and laid Nik’s dog tag necklace in between my feet. “Okay, we’re ready. Everyone hold hands and girls repeat after me ... .Demitte moi, demitte moi..”

“Demitte moi, demitte moi. Demitte moi, demitte moi.” The triplets chanted before the room around us changed to Klaus’s apartment in France.

Missy rushed forward but stopped when she realized she couldn’t hug him. “Daddy…oh right.”

Klaus got up from the bed standing in front of us where I could see he was struggling not to cry seeing us all here. “I’m sorry we can’t hug, Missy. But I have missed all of you.”

"Dad, how is uncle Elijah?" Hope asked him moving away from my side. We had yet to tell them that he had asked to male him forget everything about his family otherwise he would try and reunite us all together again like normal.

He sent her a half smile. "He seems happy, Hope. Henrik come here, son. Daddy needs to explain something to you."

"Is this about the guy you were hurting?" The young boy asked.

Klaus lowered himself on his knees so he could look his son in the eye as best as possible. "Yes, son. You're mother and I want you to understand that we need blood to live. But I am horrified that you had to see it that way. Normally I wouldn't hurt someone like that. Unfortunately I don't have access to blood bags like your mother does. So I just want you to know that I didn't ever intend on scaring you and I'm sorry for that."

"I forgive you, daddy." He smiled back at his dad before he yawned and I could tell he was getting sleepy.

Glancing at Missy I made her take him back to bed. "Missy, go put your brother to bed for me." She sighed but took his hand and they left shortly before our eyes.

"Dad, can we talk about putting the Hollow's magic at the bottom of the ocean or something. Because I hate not getting to see you except once everyday. When we can't even physically touch you or anything!" Alina snapped breaking the silence in the room.

Hope added onto her point. "Yeah we already lost Andrea and her parents. Why can't we just shove the Hollow inside something else and get our family back!"

"Okay, you two, it's almost dinner time. You should head back, I'll be behind you." I clasped my hands together sending them off not wanting to start an argument over this.

"Fine, bye dad." Alina waved her hand.

Missy held Alina'a hand. "Bye dad."

Once they have disappeared away from us leaving us alone. Wrapping my arms around myself I stepped closer to my husband meeting his gaze finally letting some tears fall down my face. "I'm sorry I said I wasn't going to cry but I'm failing miserably obviously. But uh…Caroline asked me to help Alaric run the school and I thought you should know. Also Freya has been working on the Hollow but she hasn't found anything new. I…I am not giving up on us, Nik. We will find our way back to each other."

"I know you'll keep your word. And I'll do my best to not scare our son anymore." Klaus declares putting his hands together since he couldn't hold me. "I love you, Raelyn. And the school will be good in your hands."

Twirling the wedding ring on my hand I weakly smiled looking at the time on my phone. "I have to go. I love you, Nik." Waving my hand I disappeared seeing Caroline waiting in the doorway when I looked over my shoulder rushing over to her.

"Oh Rae…it's okay. I'm here for you." She wrapped her arms around me while I gripped onto her crying. "I'll help you find a way to fix this. I won't leave my friend alone."

Breaking the hug she kept our hands together. "Thanks Caroline. I appreciate it." She pulled me in for a hug again where I laid my head on her shoulder praying that it wouldn't be long before I got my family back together. Always and forever may be gone, but the Mikaelson’s would get through this.

Author  - what other flashbacks would you all like me to write or should I bring in the current timeline now??

Comments really appreciated ❤️  Melvia-ito

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