(Flashback) Anything For Our Children

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Five Years Ago

Wiping away tears I put the girls and Henrik to bed since there wasn't anything more they could do at this point. The Mikaelson siblings would have to figure out how to live without ever seeing each other again. "Jacob, please let me inside. I want to talk about this." Resting my forehead against the wooden door with the one hand on the doorknob.

The door creaked open where he peeked through the crack but didn't open the door all the way. "I don't want to talk to you about forcing my daughter into a sleeping curse when you said you already handled it."

"What I just did isn't a permanent solution, J. Or at least I don't want it to be. We've....we've already spent enough time apart. And I refuse to let this family suffer anymore." I explained throwing my head back, turning my back towards the shut door.

I could hear the doorknob click where I whipped my head around slumping my shoulders when I saw my brother leaned up against the doorway. "Give me one reason why I should just let you put my daughter under a sleeping curse."

"Because when we come to bring the Hollow down for good. I don't want her to get taken over again by that monster-"

He cut me off by getting in my face. "I thought we already took her down. We freaking had to stab our own daughter!"

"But the Hollow's original body was destroyed long ago. So even if we killed the new body she takes. It won't work and I didn't want any of our kids to turn into vampires unless they are ready and want to. Considering we didn't get much of a choice when we had to turn like Hayley did. So forgive me if you think I am being dramatic but I am attempting to protect your family!"

Jacob raised his voice towards me for the first time in our lives. "What did you think I was doing when I stayed away from Hayley when we were helping you find cures for the Mikaelson's? I could have left you and Cami on your own and been with my family. But I stayed by your side because I am your brother and we don't abandon each other!"

"I'm trying to keep at least one of you together with Andrea. Because I know what you had to give up to help me. And I am afraid that I will never be able to repay the debt that you have been owed by me. So Jacob please trust me that this is me trying to help you." Clasping my hands together covering my mouth I sniffed through some tears.

He slowly closed the gap where I had to lift my head since he was slightly taller. "Could you put me and Hayley under the spell with her at the same time?"

"Wha...what. Why would you put your life on hold like that?" I knitted my brows for my twin and whatever crazy plan he had in his mind.

He reached for my hands, squeezing them gently in mine while we stared deeply into the others eyes. "Because like you say all the time, family is everything. We will do anything for our children kids, to give them their best chance because that is what our parents did for us."

"Jacob..." I trailed off almost to break down and cry again.

He moved his hands on my shoulders sniffling through tears of his own but I knew he made a good point. "Hayley won't leave our daughter's side and neither will I. So I'm asking you...my sister to help me remain with my family. I don't want to be awake while my girls are asleep in two of the Mikaelson coffins."

"Are you entirely sure about this, J. I just don't want you to do something you regret later." Knitting my brows at him I wrapped my arms around myself.

He focused his gaze onto me. "Rae, please. I don't want my family separated. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you. But try to understand where I'm coming from."

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now