The Original Coffins

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Typing away at the phone number my cousin Jo had given me in case I ever wanted to talk with her and not use magic I pressed the phone to my ear. "Jo, it's me. I understand if you are busy or something. But I have a magic question and you're the only witch I can trust. Call me back when you can." Hanging up the phone I heard footsteps coming up the stairs meaning it must have been Klaus.

He has been bickering with Stefan Salvatore after he had stolen the coffins that apparently held his remaining family members. But nothing had really happened in getting their safe return. Walking out of my room I followed him into the hallway seeing that his hands were clutching into fists at his sides. "I'm in no mode for company, Raelyn."

"What happened this time? Maybe I can help you instead of threatening anyone in this town who actually knows where they are." I offered thinking that the reason he couldn't find them was because they were using another witch.

He ran a hand through his hair slumping his shoulders thinking for a moment. "It could be possible, Raelyn. What exactly do you have in mind to help me?"

"Simple locator spell. I used your blood since you are holding your other siblings. Since they share the same blood of your mother with you I'll be able to find them." I responded walking past him drawing a small dagger that I had used to cut my palm to do spells and one of the maps, gesturing for his palm once I placed the map on the bedside table in my bedroom. "Give me your hand please."

He extended his hand where I held it over the map wrapping my fingers around his siphoning some magic from him. He winced slightly watching me turn his palm open, slicing the knife across allowing the blood to drip onto the map. "Why are you helping me exactly. Normally I have to force people to help me but you, you're willing why?"

"Like I said once before, if anyone came after my brother I would probably do the same thing you are doing now shhh I have to concentrate..." I replied telling him to be quiet, needing to focus on the spell. "Ahsorum dolusantum infidictus."

The blood moved across the map where I breathed out needing to remember the illusion spell so we could see where the blood stopped. According to the map the blood had stopped in a place that was referred to as the Bennett cemetery. "The bloody witch line!"

Klaus grumbled, making me send him a look mumbling another spell. "Hey, remember who is helping you here, Nikky. Phantamogriphiia decorum...Voye a sa fille."

The bedroom around us disappears so when I opened my eyes once more scanning my gaze around the room hearing someone coming into the abandoned house that has a bunch of candles and witchy markings on the walls. Klaus steps beside me taking my hand is his. "What took you so long?" Damon appeared from behind the corner.

"You're little witch is more powerful than I first thought." The raven haired vampire responded walking over to us.

Klaus rolled his eyes at him. "Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." He suddenly grabbed his head screaming in pain meaning that the dead witches were using their magic on him.

"Klaus - ohhhh!" I called his name before I suddenly felt some pain shoot through my head making me drop on my knees.

"Freaky witch." One dead witch spoke.

Another spat in my ear made me groan, bending my head on the ground. "A witch without magic is against nature."

"Insulting a bunch of dead witches... Not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here." Damon teased the hybrid.

Klaus stumbled to his feet glancing my direction hearing me moaning. "Well, you know the funny thing about the witches is that living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendents..." He grabbed his head again when the flames around us grew.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now