The sights of New Orleans

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It had been a few weeks since I had puked up blood and things hadn't gotten better. I was only puking up blood occasionally but I was still getting sick in the mornings. Throwing my head back I moaned, feeling sick still pressing my back against the wall. "Ugh...This is torture."

"Let's just do this the easy way considering this normally works." Klaus entered the bathroom biting into his wrist holding it out for me.

Wrapping my fingers around his wrist I started drinking it until I felt the sickness coming again where I yanked my mouth away puking again. "Shit...Call Caroline I need help.":

He got to his feet finding my phone on the bed dialing the blonde phone number watching me as I wiped away the remaining blood on my mouth. "Rae, what's going on?"

"Hello Caroline, she is having me call on her behalf because she is throwing up once again. What exactly do I need her to get for you, sweetheart?" He responds back to her.

Pushing my messy hair out of my face I croaked out weakly. "Care, can you go to the drug store and pick up something for morning sickness?"

"Sure. But can I ask why Klaus isn't just giving you blood-"

"Don't mention that it will make her-" Klaus tried to warn the blonde but he was too late.

Gripping the side of the toilet I bent over puking for the fifth time this morning. My hair fell over my shoulders until Klaus held it back with his freehand turning the phone on video call showing it to her when I shot my head back up growling at her. "Nobody better say the word blood until this sickening nightmare is over. Or I'll kick both your assses!"

"Okay, okay sorry. I'll be back at the mansion in about an hour." She hung up the phone with Nik sitting it on the countertop wrapping his arms around my waist shifting my body until he carried me bridal style back to the bed.

Reaching for his hand he intertwined our hands together staring at me as I placed my other hand on my stomach propped up on the soft pillows. "Maybe I should call Jo. She's a doctor and a former witch. She might have answers."

"Possibly but I have a hunch that you will be much better if we change your surroundings. So I'll  pack you a day bag and we are heading to Orleans in a few hours." He declares rising to his feet, coming over and planting a kiss on my forehead vamping around the house grabbing some things while we wait for Caroline.

Finally she arrived coming upstairs carrying a full bag plopping down on the bed since I was laying down again not feeling like I had the strength to stand for long periods of time. "So I got some medicine. Then tons of chocolate and something for a hangover in case you had too much to drink.

"Caroline, I didn't get drunk. I have just been puking almost every morning ever since Nik and I slept together. And his blood doesn't do anything but make me sicker." I grumbled laying my head back down.

She smacked me on my legs squealing like the typical teenager she was. "You slept together and you didn't even tell me until now. I can't believe you. We are friends and you didn't tell me!"

"Caroline! You're ridiculous." I covered my face with my hands peeking through my thumb and index finger when I started blushing. "Look can we talk about this when I get back because I can assume you're going to freak out even more that I gave him my virginity."

She bounced up and down on the bed throwing her hair around. "Eehhh! Rae, you are making the sepence even worse. Wait where are you going?"

"New Orleans. Klaus thinks that it would help with my sickness if we took a day trip to his favorite place." I told her sitting upright when I heard someone vamped up the stairs.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now