Esther's Ritual

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Esther and I walked through the middle of the woods which makes me nervous considering the last time I went off with someone like this I had the possibility of dying. She stopped when we reached a witch house and I saw that Finn was standing there watching us. "So what exactly are we doing out here and what does this have to do with helping your children?"

"We are out here to perform the spell when the moon rises in the sky. It will be a celestial event but I can not control all that power on my own. Which is why I need you and a few other witches to assist." She explains where I heard leaves breaking so I turned in the direction seeing two dark skinned girls walking towards us.

The younger one with straight black hair stopped in her tracks eyeing me with a weird look. "You're the siphon witch. I wasn't expecting to meet you like this."

"And who are you?" I knitted my brows together in confusion.

The older one raises her hand introducing herself. "I'm Abby and this is my daughter Bonnie. We're Bennett witches. What bloodline are you related to?"

"Gemini. I'm Raelyn Lane. But I am not a full witch. I can only siphon magic from others." I tucked hair behind my ear spinning the blue jewelry.

Esther explains interrupting our conversation. "Bennett witches, thank you for coming. I could think of no better allies than the woman who sent Mikael into his long sleep and the girl who fought Niklaus so bravely."

Abby asked her. " Why exactly did you invite us here?"

"You are the descendants of the witch Ayana. She was a great mentor of mine, and I think it's only fitting that I draw from her bloodline." She told them where I knitted my brows together knowing that it meant she was doing a very powerful spell if she needed three other witches.

Bonnie spoke up. "So are you channeling our ancestors?"

Esther added onto her question. "I draw from the entirety of the Bennett bloodline, living and dead. The connection affords me great power, although it is somewhat difficult to maintain, which is why I require you, mother and daughter, the bloodline made manifest. Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature that we serve, and for that, I thank you." She took their hands in hers leaving them to follow Finn inside to prepare.

She turned to follow him seeing that I hadn't moved from my current spot. "I will need you to join us, Raelyn or are you not coming?"

"I am not on the current update of spells. But I can tell that a spell that requires you to channel all the living and dead witches of one bloodline cannot be good. So I have to ask, "What exactly is this spell you are doing?" I asked backing away from the original witch in slight fear but tried to remain calm since Finn could hear my heartbeat.

She made a face at me reaching for my hand. "I have upset the balance of nature. This spell tonight will fix what I have done."

"That doesn't answer my question though. What is the spell supposed to do exactly, Esther?" I pressed on holding one hand on my necklace wishing that I had Kol to help me turn my necklace into a magic source before this happened.

The witch stomps forward grabbing my hands in hers beginning to channel my magic from me. "It will turn my children back into humans and then I will end them. Now if you don't mind Raelyn...Coinunctum est vita."

"What the hell are you channeling me!" I yanked my hands from hers quickly siphoning some of the power she contained in her veins. "Ossox..." I attempted to snap her neck but nothing happened.

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