A Coven's Leader

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Jacob and I were standing in front of our birthday cake at our sixteenth birthday. Holding his hand in mine we blew out the candles on the chocolate and strawberry cake hearing everyone clap. "That is so great, you two." Our mother took our picture until we saw our uncle coming in our direction.

"Happy birthday my niece and nephew. A few more years and you'll be all grown up." He smiled at us but I could see he wanted to talk to our mother. He bent down on a knee holding out his hands to us. "We share a history. A bloodline.. We're family."

Jacob and I placed our hands in each individually but my brother said. "You're our uncle but mom doesn't mention you often."

"That's because I am a very busy guy. But I'll let you all in on a little secret. Come close." He beckoned us forward where we scooted closer hearing him begin to chant something. "Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus."

I winced trying to pull away from him. "Agh!...uncle you're hurting us!"

"Uncle!" Jaocb cried.

Before he could go any further he winced sharply seeing my mother grab his head siphoning him until he collapsed onto his back groaning. "Urgh Eliza!"

"Are you two okay?" She rushes to us seeing that our arms weren't bruised or anything.

I shook my head rubbing my hands. "Just sore and tired, mom."

"Go and lay down. Take your brother with you." She pushed us toward the house where I glanced over my shoulders. "I don't want you anywhere near my children ever again."

Joshua couched getting to his feet. "One of them will become the leader whether you like it or not, sister."

"Who the hell are you, mate?" Klaus asked staying in front of me as a bodyguard being able to feel my heartbeat almost racing where I might kill over by the level of fear running through me.

Joshua moved forward, extending his hand. "I'm Joshua Parker. It's nice to meet you Klaus Mikaelson."

Klaus eyed his hand about to move forwards but I shoved myself in between the pair smacking his hands away knowing what he was going to do. "No! You don't get to magic his ass. Now what the hell are you doing here. And how did you even find me?"

"We share blood. I still have the strongest magic of our coven or at least I did until I found your spot on the map. Somehow your strength has grown at a quicker rate than should be physically possible." He explained it to me.

Klaus raised his hand tugging me backwards by my forearm. "That's because of me, Joshua is it. You know I have heard quite a lot about you. And none of the stories are good. So I suggest you get out of here before I rip your throat out!" He showed him his fangs and the werewolf eyes.

"If you kill me then she'll die too." Joshua said, meeting my gaze where I crossed my arms over my chest stepping away from him.

Klaus smirked at him. "She's linked to me, she's basically immortal now."

"Then why are there marks on her arms huh. I am not an idiot. Every time she used magic and became weak I felt it." My uncle stepped closer trying to get my attention. "Now can we please talk some privately because I didn't have to come out here."

Snapping back at him I bared my teeth, stomping up to him. "If you don't want to be here then go home. I don't want anything to do with you ever since the day I met you, you have done nothing but try and get me and my brother to Merge. Now that you forced us to do so I murdered my own brother-"

✅️ Gemini RunawayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ