Original Vampires

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Blinking my eyes opened I rolled over feeling a soft material underneath me. Quickly rubbing the sleep from my eyes I shot up not recognizing the room I was apparently sleeping in. The bedroom door opened where I saw Klaus enter the room. "Good, you're awake."

"Ugh...I didn't realize how much I actually missed sleeping in a bed." Stretching my arms and legs out he walked towards me slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed.

He sits a cell phone down on the bed sliding it over to me where I hugged my knees to my chest. "I'm glad. You will always have a bedroom here if you wish to stay in this one pony town."

"Okay. So what exactly do you want with me, Klaus?" I questioned with my fingers twirling the jewel necklace in between my fingers.

He raised a brow at my question. He was used to getting things from people but he wasn't really sure whether he wanted something from the girl in front of him or not. "I don't want anything from you at the moment, little witch. I do want to show you something though."

"Show me what exactly?" Climbing out of the bed I tied the laces of my boots seeing that he was standing in the doorway with his hands crossed behind his back waiting for me. "You aren't going to kill me in the middle of nowhere like a serial killer are you?"

He shrugs his shoulders walking out of the room and I follow behind his heels from a distance. "I am the devil in disguise, love. Come along." Shifting my gaze around the larger house there were more rooms here then he really needed. It was like he was planning to house himself and a bunch of other people. Maybe his siblings but if so where were they all at.

We ended up driving to a place in the woods where he pulled out a flashlight handing it to me where I followed him down into a cave. He paused in his step, hitting some barrier where he growled. "Dang witches!"

"Let me try something..I might be strong enough to take it down for awhile." I raised my freehand up to the cave wall besides me closing my eyes for a moment feeling a string of magic running through the walls. My hand on the wall turned a little beginning to draw the magic away. I don't know why but a thought about me and my twin crossed my mind in this second.

"Mom, who was that girl and guy you were talking to earlier?" I was always curious when I was younger. Jacob on the other hand could simply get lost in the drawings he did and toon out the mystery of the world.

She turned away from cooking dinner on the stove staring at us sitting at the kitchen table. "The man was my brother Joshua and she was his daughter Josette. Why do you ask?"

"Cause you didn't seem happy to see them." Jacob looked up from his coloring book then dropped his gaze downward once more.

Sitting my dolls down on the table I watched her movements. Our mother was a gentle person but she never mentioned her family. She claimed that my father who was just an ordinary human was all that she needed. She wasn't born with magic of her own and she didn't agree with the Coven that we were supposedly from. "We had a falling out is all. So unfortunately we don't talk to one another anymore...in their eyes since I didn't have my own magic I wasn't one of them"

"They probably will see us like that too won't they. We will have to steal others' magic to get our own power." I muttered once she had left the kitchen where I frowned at the thought.

Jacob preaked up reaching over and intertwining my hand with his. "They're just jealous of us, Rae. We aren't weird. Besides that means that most people will never know how strong we are."

"Raelyn. Raelyn, are you there?" Klaus called out my name pulling me from my trance where I sniffed some tears removing my hand from the rock wall.

Raising my fingers to my nose I saw some blood dripping but I wiped it away. "Uh yeah sorry. See if you can get through now." He walked through the former barrier area where we ended up seeing some drawings on a cave wall.

There was one that looked like a werewolf and another that was supposed to be shaped like a necklace. I also counted three names with one being Klaus. The other two were Elijah and Rebekah. "This is the cave where we felt we should write down our stories. My family settled here before the new world was discovered and all. And also where we were created as the first vampires in existence....can I show you?"

"Show me what exactly?" I scanned the wall reading another name that looked to be like Mikael.

He reached up about to place his hands on the sides of my face but he paused scanning my eyes for any signs of hesitation. "May I, Raelyn. It's just a simple mind dive. You aren't going to make me groan in agony are you?"

"It's called Siphoning according to my mother and no I won't. I...I already took magic from the cave wall. If I need any more I'll let you know." I responded meeting his deep blue gaze, feeling him cradle my face in his hands before resting his forehead against mine.

There was someone that had long curly hair that must have been Klaus when he stared at a blonde female meaning it was his sister. They were bleeding through their clothes where their hearts were located. Meaning they must have been stabbed. "Rebekah."

Rebekah glanced down to the stains of red. "Blood. What happened?"

"It'll be all right. We will be all right." He shifted until he was closer to his sister glancing down to his own wound.

A few moments later there was an older looking guy that must have been Mikael who pushed a girl down beside his sister. "What are you doing?" Klaus asked him.

Mikael declared drawing his knife. "We must finish what we started. You have to drink if you want to live." He cut the girl's arm and forced the blonde girl to drink her blood. "Drink!"

I gasped pulling away from him blinking through some tears where I wiped away some that were falling down my face. Leaning one hand against the cave wall I gasped sucking in a shacky breath meeting his gaze. "I'm sorry that he forced you to do that....why show me any of this?"

"Because I want you to see that you aren't the only person people see as a monster. Some of us didn't have a choice to be born the way we are." He shoved his hands inside the pockets of his black jacket tilting his head to the side back toward the exit of the cave. "I have some business to attend to. I'll escort you back to the house so you don't get lost."

Our walk back was in silence and he was gone the second I was about to open the front door. Glancing around I figured it was a vampire speed thing where I turned around until a whoosh sounds behind me. "What kind of girl jumps into bed with the crazy hybrid?" Glancing back over my shoulder I noticed that there was a guy with raven black hair and blue eyes standing on the edge of the steps looking at me.

"Oh I'm not sleeping with him. I - uh, who are you?" I asked spinning around so I was facing him crossing my arms over my chest.

The raven haired guy suddenly moved forward with quick speed pushing me up against the front door trying to use his mind compulsion on me. "Tell me who you are!"

"I'm Raelyn. Now let me go..." I squirmed underneath his stronger grip where he moved one hand to my throat causing me to throw my hands out in front of me launching him onto the grass yard.

He stumbled to his feet frantically looking at me. Dropping my hands to my sides I really didn't mean to hurt him. But my brother was always protective of me so maybe it was his spirit inside me. "What the hell are you. You're a hybrid monster like him."

Someone flashed behind him a blonde type of streak breaking his neck where his body collapsed onto the ground with the figure flipping her blonde hair out of her eyes striding up to me with a light smirk. "That is no way to treat a lady. Hello darling, I'm Rebeakah Mikaelson."

"Nice to meet you, Rebekah. I'm Raelyn Lane." Glancing over her shoulder we shook hands where I watched the knocked out vampire body. "Is he going to come after me again?"

She scoffed heading towards the front door letting me inside first. "If he knows what is good for him then yes. So you are new in town I hear." The front door shut behind the two girls before Damon groaned regaining consciousness pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Stefan, get the others to the house. We have a new Klaus problem. He's got a powerful witch." He explained through the phone knowing they needed a new plan to take down the hybrid in their town.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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