The Miracle...Baby

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Standing in front of the window I hadn't left the house in days too afraid that if my magic was gone that I would need a witch to give me a daylight ring. Wrapping my arms around myself I was still wearing the same blood stained closed. "You should change, Rae. We can't leave the house with you wearing blood."

"Have you found Josette yet?" Whipping my head around to my boyfriend he slowly walked into the room.

He paused in his step moving his hands behind his back eyeing me up and down in silence for a brief moment. "I haven't yet. But my priority was making sure you remained alive."

"Then we have nothing to talk about. Go find her then I will leave the mansion with you." I grumbled at him turning back to look out the window watching the rain hit the glass where I pressed my hand against the glass.

He parted his mouth taking a breath. "Raelyn..."

"I have an entire fridge full of blood bags in the basement that you and your siblings have collected. So I don't have to worry about going without blood. But I will say it again. Go find Josette and tell me she is alive. Then and only then will I leave this house." I snapped at him wishing that I had my magic so I could just do it myself like I used to.

He shook his head down, eyeing his black boots before meeting my gaze. "I can compel you to behave, you know?"

"But you said you would never lay a hand on my head. So I don't believe your threats. " I turned to face him, raising my brows at him.

He vamped the rest of the way until we were pressed up against one another. Our eyes burn into the other's soul. "Right now you aren't acting like yourself, Rae. You are struggling to deal with your heightened emotions. So yes I may never harm you. I will get you out of this house one way or another. You aren't destined to be trapped here. You are a Queen."

"But I am nothing without the family members that actually love me! Oh." Covering my mouth with my hands I vamped into the bathroom throwing up. Gripping the side I lifted my head up hearing the front door open.

"Klaus! It's Bonnie and me. She agreed to help us out!" Caroline hollers from downstairs but thanks to my vamp hearing I could hear her perfectly fine.

Wiping away at my mouth I put a hand on my stomach heading towards the staircase with him following closely behind me. "Why did you summon them here. You going to have them drag me out by my feet instead of doing it yourself?"

"They are here to help. Since you can't seem to preform magic the Bennett witch will find your precious cousin Josette." He told me squeezing my shoulder when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

The four of us gathered around a table with candles and the picture of Jo laying on the table. Along with a map and a knife like always. Bonnie extended her hands out to me and Klaus. "Alright so cut your palm and drip the blood on the frame. Then I want you to chant alongside me."

"Uh Bon." Caroline spoke.

Dropping my gaze to the floor. "My magic is gone, Bonnie. I already tried to do this spell but nothing happened."

"Had you turned yet?" She asked me.

Shaking my head no. "What could that possibly change?"

"From what I gather you being a siphon witch means that you should be able to still tap into your power. You weren't born with magic. So I think you can still do this. You just have to concentrate. Let's begin." We grasped our hands together once I dragged the knife over my palm chanting. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex viras sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petous."

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