My Cousin Jo

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Author - Am I posting at 1am when I should go to bed yes 😂 Goodnight my readers 


"You finally kissed him!" Caroline Forbes's sweet squeal came through the phone when I had barely gotten to tell her anything else about the date last night.

Pulling the phone away from my ear I put her on speaker and video call that way she wouldn't scream in my ear again. "Yes Care and if I'm being honest I loved every second of it."

"So was it a slow kiss or something with a bit more kick in it?" She asked me while I was walking down the stairs carrying a map in my other hand with a printed out picture of Jo that I had kept with me before she left to work as a doctor.

Sitting the map down on the kitchen table with a single candle in the center. "It was a pretty heated kiss considering we had tried to kiss like multiple times and kept getting interrupted."

"Awe and ew at the same time. I'm sorry that I am still conflicted over this. I can't believe it, it's so adorable. Wait, what are you doing with a map. Are you trying to do more magic after you nearly died by Esther's spell?" She knitted her brows at me in confusion.

Opening a drawer I grabbed one of the knives sitting on the phone on the table. "How do you know about that? I didn't tell you about that."

"Bonnie spilled the beans after I was comforting her because Damon killed her mom to stop the ritual but you managed to do it all on your own." The blonde vampire admitted.

"Oh sorry Caroline. Tell her I'm sorry but I am not sure she will accept it." Raising the blade I sliced it across my palm sitting the picture in the center of the map letting my blood drop onto the picture.

She got closer to the phone screen seeing what I was doing. "What witchy spell are you doing this time, Rae?"

"Yes I would like to know as well, Raelyn." Whipping my head up and throwing my hair over my shoulders Klaus entered the room wearing a black jacket thrown over a gray sweatshirt, waving to the blonde on my phone. "You should be resting after my mothers spell nearly killed you. Hello Caroline."

She waved back at him. "Hi Klaus. He's right Raelyn you should just come over to my house and we can party and get drunk."

"I appreciate the offer and concern but I have to see someone in my family. My cousin Josette." I picked up the knife about to cut my hand but Klaus grabbed my wrist with his vamp speed.

His blue eyes trained on mine where we were very close to one another. "You're not going alone. I am coming with you. I don't know this woman."

"She would never hurt me, Nik." I fought against his parodied mind knowing my cousin better than he ever would. "She's the person who taught me almost every spell I know."

Caroline clapped her hands together, gaining our attention once more. "Hold up if you're talking about a road trip then I want to come too."

"Alright fine you both can come. Now can I do the spell. I need to find her exact location or we won't be going anywhere." I caved in knowing otherwise he wouldn't let me leave Mystic Falls without someone to watch out for me.

He released my wrist allowing me to slice the blade across my palm offering his right hand out to me. "Caroline, you get everything prepared. I'll get the car."

"Phasmatos tribum, nas ex viras sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petrous..." The blood moved across the map slowly circling around a spot that was located as Whitmore College. "Looks like we're going to college, Caroline."

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now