Blonde Friends

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Boarding House

Damon slammed down the bourbon in his glass quickly hearing what Klaus referred to as the save Elena gang coming into the house. Caroline flipped her hair, stomping down the stairs. "Damon, what was so important that you had to send almost twenty phone calls?"

He threw his head back grumbling. "Oh I'm sorry blondie but I thought it was important to tell everyone that there is a new witch in town that straight up threw me off the hybrid's front porch when I had asked her name."

"Did she say what type of witch she was?" Bonnie asked to come into the room with Elena.

Damon glared at her. "Were you not listening when I said she launched me off the porch before I could find anything else out!"

Stefan got up from the couch slumping his shoulders. "Alright Damon calm down. Why exactly are you worried about. I mean you don't usually have a good track record with them. But what exactly is so important about this one?"

Damon held one his mouth not actually knowing what to say next and to everyone's surprise it was Caroline who spoke up for him. "Because she can take away your strength and turn it into magic somehow."

"You know something about her, blondie. Don't you dare stop talking about everyone's lives now." The raven haired vampire spat in her direction.

She crossed her arms over her chest rolling her eyes at him. "I don't know anything else but she came out of the Grill with Klaus and he looked like he wanted to rip her heart out of her chest. She grabbed my shoulder and I saw her hand turn red. Next thing we knew she was gone and had completely disappeared. I went home a little weak so I assumed it was her doing."

"Bonnie, do you know any type of witches that can do that?" Stefan asked the witch of their group.

She shrugged her shoulders eyeing him. "I can look through the family grimoires but as far as I know the only way a witch wouldn't have their own power is if she was turned into a vampire."

"Do you think Klaus would use her to come after me?" Elena asks knowing that they hybrid wanted to make his own army but he needed her blood to do so.

Damon poured some more bourbon sitting the glass down on the table beside the large fireplace. "It's Klaus, Elena. He doesn't care about anything except getting what he wants. We need to find a way to put down a witch that can take away our strengths."

"Wait a second. Do we really have to view her as an enemy?" The blonde questioned, raising her hand slightly in the air.

Elena turned to her friend. "What do you mean?"

"I mean she's clearly scared in a new place and we have assumed she is an enemy. We haven't even given her a chance to defend herself. Don't you think we should get to know her first?" She explains simply.

Damon grumbled. "And then we will all skip down the street singing zippy dada right before she murders us all!"

"Caroline's right." Stefan declared moments after. "Since she has met you once you should try and get close to her." She nodded hoping that it was the right thing to do.

Klaus's Mansion

Staring out the window I was completely bored just sitting in my bedroom in this large house. Rebekakh was roaming the town and Klaus was off in another state for who knew how long. I didn't feel like leaving the house even though I had put a hidden spell around myself so my family couldn't find me. "You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself, Raelyn."

"Who the hell is there? Show yourself now!" Whipping my head around, I gasped not seeing anyone in the bedroom. But I could swear that I could hear a voice that I recognized. Blinking my eyes there was a figure with black hair and familiar eyes forming to stand in front of me.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now