Gemini Fights and Supernatural Fates

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Jaocb and I just stared silently at Kai siphoning off his little sister until I called his name. "Let her go, Kai!"

"What makes you think that I'll listen to you?" He asked.

"Because I can do this, Motus." Launching my hand upward I throw him against the wall harshly.

" You think your magic will be able to hold me back for long, dear cousin, " Kai said, smirking at me. "I'm more powerful than you."

" You don't know what I'm capable of, cousin " I said, flashing my vampire veins at him.

He stared at me in disbelief at what he was seeing. " You're a heretic." But, how could you possibly unlock such power like that."

"That's a long story you won't have time to hear."

" If you don't leave now. My sister Rae will rip your heart out your chest "Jacob said, removing his hand from mine.

"She wouldn't, " Kai said, scoffing. " She's not a killer, she's far too goody two shoes."

Vamping in front of my cousin I held him by his throat against the wall. "Your father made me merge with my brother. And then he came after my daughters. So you have no idea who I am anymore!"

"Motus." He grabbed my shoulder siphoning off of me where he threw me away from him.

Kai lowered his hand for a second while walking towards me. "If you're trying to make me feel sorry for you. It won't work. I've been the black sheep of the family for far too long and now here you are being loved by them all."

"I wouldn't call being forced to merge with my brother Jaocb as being loved. Now take this asshole, ah sha Lana." Throwing my hand forward he grabbed his head in pain.

"Bitch! Errox femus." He used a bone breaking spell snapping one of my legs.

"I'm only going to tell you this once, Parker. " I said, glaring at him, popping my leg back into place. "Stay away from me, Jacob and my family. If you come near any of them I will tear you apart. You won't have to worry about our family coming after you, I'll do it myself!"

He chuckles raising his hand again chanting again. "Phasmatos superous 'em animi.."

"Ah!" Holding my head in agony I holler out for Jacob. "J!"

My twin brother ran forward in front of me using his own magic. "Vessera a portus." Kai dropped his hands when metal chain's appeared around his wrists pinning him down on his knees on the ground.

"Aww that's cute, little J. Fractos" Kai smiled proud at his little effort unlocking the chains as if they were nothing.

Rising to my feet while Kai was distracted I got into a fighting stance. Flipping my hair out of my eyes I raised my hand up again. "Lihednat dolchitni."

"Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox..." Kai gasped beginning to suffocate for air yet he managed to hit me with another spell that I didn't recognize.

Dropping to my knees I clawed at my skin, wincing feeling my blood burning on fire. "Kai why are you doing this  - to me. I thought you wanted to hurt Jo!"

"Oh I do. But you see Raelyn, I want to hurt you first." He walked over to me raising his other hand causing Jacob to hold his head wincing. "Josette accepted you and your brother even though I am her sibling. The two twins whose mother left the Coven get to be a part of the family and I don't."

"Urgh! I might feel sorry for you if you weren't trying to kill people. At least my husband never wanted to murder his siblings!" I groaned feeling the burning getting worse.

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