The Horrific Merge

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Jo had been forced to take her magic back before Kai killed Liv. And there was supposed to be an eclipse tonight meaning the two twins would merge in place of Liv and Luke. Leading my girls through the streets Jaocb was with us. "I don't understand why we don't just use the spell we used on our daughters on the rest of our family we care about."

"Because I don't have our uncle's leader's blood in my grasp anymore. In order for the transfer to take I need his specific blood." I corrected my brother's statement. It wasn't that I didn't want to save Jo, Liv and Luke. But I just couldn't physically do it. I designed the spell to attack the specific curse on our bloodline with the coven.

He carried Andrea in his arm's sighing until he noticed someone strolling in front of us. "I guess so. Uh Rae, we've got a problem."

"What are you - what the hell do you want Kai?" I glanced in his direction seeing Kai strolling up to us whistling a tune.

He smirks, stopping in front of us. "Awe are these your kids. They'll be cute to kill."

"Invisquie." I snapped my fingers where nobody else on the street could see us now. Knowing that we would probably be magic fighting in a few moments. "If you lay a hand on my kids I will skin you alive!"

Kai stepped forward bending down trying to act all nice to get the girls to come forward. "Awe I'm not going to hurt them, Rae Rae. Hey sweeties, do you want a present from your cousin Kai."

"What kind of presents?" Missy asked moving forward where he touched her fingers with his making her wince when he attempted to siphon from her.

Alina takes my hand in hers, throwing him backwards on the concrete. "Phasmatos Motus!"

"Uh you little bitch. Phasmatos incendia." He raised his hand trying to hurt her with fire. Yet nothing happens with the rest of us just looking at him. "What that's not possible. I siphoned her magic. We share blood."

Jaocb just smirked at him. "You can't hurt any of us anymore, jerk."

"What the hell did you do, cousin?" Kai growled, getting to his feet.

Tugging Missy back behind with Hope I let Alina keep standing between me and my brother. "Our parents might be related through blood, yes. But as far as being able to siphon or kill us. You have no power over us. Thanks to my binding spell."

"You can't do this, Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox!" Kai tried again, more frustrated that nothing was working.

Alina smirked towards her second cousin launching his blood spell back at him. ""Reboundus!"

"Ah!" He collapsed onto the ground wincing up at us.

Walking towards him I let go of my daughter's hand leaving her standing by her uncle J. Bending on my knees to my cousin I growled in his face. "The next time you try to come after my family. I want you to remember this feeling. And I won't let you kill Josette, Luke or Olivia ever!"

Turning on my heels we left him there heading to the restaurant we were going to before he found us. It was actually a nice evening until I saw Luke and Liv come inside with our uncle following them inside. "Why are they here, Rae?" Jacob asked knowing I was better with my vamp ears.

"There's nothing to figure out. This is what you were born to do." Our uncle blabbered off.

Liv rolled her eyes. "No, dad. This is why Kai and Jo were born. We were just the backup plan you bred because you thought that your first batch had a design flaw."

Joshua raised his voice. "Kai is a psychopath. An extremely dangerous one."

Liv was trying to convince him to use her sister instead. "Dad, Jo can do this. She can win. All we're asking is that you give her a chance."

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