Sisterly Trio

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Walking through the bayou I entered the area where my brother and Hayley were supposed to be. Stepping up onto the porch I tried to walk through the front door but smacked into a barrier spell. Holding my head I winced. "What on earth?"

"You'll forgive me if I am not so welcoming to let you inside, little sister." Jacob came around the corner inside the cabin with his hands clutching into fists at his sides.

Rolling my eyes I thought we had moved past this. "Come on, J. You came to my wedding for peat sake. Doesn't that mean you have forgiven me?"

"Unfortunately no it doesn't. Because you came after my family and have kept Hayley in agonizing pain for months!" He raised his voice towards me.

Pressing my hands on the doorway outside coming here to warn him of what could happen if I die. "Jacob, I didn't just come here to make an apology. I came here to warn you of a dark vision that could endanger us all."

"And what exactly would hurt us all. Considering your immorality I should only be concerned with you hurting me." He tilted his head to the side.

Shifting my gaze to meet him I sucked in a breath. "The white oak might be gone, but there's a war of the sire's coming for the Originals. A war that won't just hurt me but will also hurt Hayley and her pack."

Footsteps came around the corner where I saw Hayley holding Andrea in her arms. Even though she was a hybrid now I could see that she had wounds that had healed over repeatedly and there were bags underneath her eyes from lack of sleep. "What exactly affects all of us, Raelyn. Are you and your husband going to kill us all at sunset?"

"No, nothing like that. You see since my blood turned you and your pack you are linked to me." I began clutching the doorway with my fingers. "I have recently been told that the remaining three vampire sire lines are starting a war. One that wants to kill the others so that they aren't wiped out themselves. Basically if Klaus dies so do I and that includes you too. You and the others will die if we don't stop this battle that's coming."

Jacob and Hayley both shared a glance to one another. "So you've come to protect us now.":

"I was hoping we could protect each other. We have to keep my husband alive so that the rest of us get to live." I responded by sending them a half smile before my phone went off. Pressing it to my ear I sighed. "Nik, I don't want to talk now."

I heard Freya's voice instead. "It's not Nik. It's Freya, I need your help. Rebekah's witch body is dead. I need your help finding her."

"Okay, I'll be there as fast as I can." Hanging up the phone I looked back at the pair vamping off to the compound. "Think about what I said and come find me when you have your decision."

Running up the stairs I found Elijah and Freya in her room where she did magic to talk with my other sister in law. Standing beside the suit wearing vampire I replied immediately. "So what the hell exactly went on where her witch body died?"

"I don't know it just happened. My guess is that she was taken by the Strix." She said back to me,

Knitting my brows I didn't recognize the name. "Who are the Strix?"

"My sire line. They find themselves more elite than the other lines. Clearly they wish to bring all three sires to the surface." Elijah explained when I turned my head towards him.

Putting my hands on the table I eyed the new Mikaelson sister I was just now beginning to trust. "If they have Rebekah then tell me where they are so I can remind them why you don't mess with this family!"

"Raelyn, it's not that simple. I'm gonna need your help if they come for your husband. Now that I know you have sired the entire crescent wolf pack." The witch said.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now