Gemini Business

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Coming in from the kitchen I found that Klaus was in the living room with Kol who smiled in my direction. I moved around the side of the couch trying to have a peak at whatever Klaus was drawing. "What are you drawing now?"

"An artist never tells, Rae." He responded by hugging the notepad closer to his chest with his legs.

Climbing closer to him on the couch I attempted to look over his knees but he vamped from the couch where I raised my hand quickly grabbing Kohl's foot siphoning him. "Morator."

Klaus slowly shut the book hiding it away from me in a slow motion manner due to my spell. "You cheating little witch."

"Nicely played, siphoning girl." Kol clapped his hands, smiling at me.

Getting to my feet I flipped my hair over my shoulders standing in front of Klaus. My eyes softened when I met his annoying gaze. "Will you let me the drawing now?" He nodded where I raised my right hand snapping my fingers. "Regelo."

"Here you can see-" He began to flip to the page, suddenly tossing the notebook back onto the spot he was sitting on the couch.

I squealed sharply when he wrapped his arms around my arms holding me in my place. I tried to break from his hold but he was way stronger than I was. "Nikkk!"

"Watch how you wave around that magical tongue of yours. If you try that again I won't go so easy on you." He nuzzled his nose into my neck feeling me still squirming in his hold.

I pushed him finally getting him to let me go vamping back to his notebook still hiding it from my view. "You'll have to show me your newest work at some point. But fine I'll stop for now."

Rebekah entered the room a few minutes after to Kol's enjoyment. "Well, well, well... there's our girl."

Rebekah tried to move around him but he moved where she did. "Get out of my way, Kol."

Kol didn't seem to be bothered and kept teasing her. "Out all night. What a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?"

Rebekah threatened him. "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth. "

She pushes him away, eyeing her brother who was drawing seeing him smile. "Don't start, Nik."

Klaus lifted his pencil from the page. "I didn't say anything."

Kol sat back down. "I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment....I feel like Raelyn knows how to have fun."

"Oh I doubt that." I told him feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket seeing that there was an unknown number texting me. Opening the message it read simply 'Meet me at the clock tower. We need to talk'.

Klaus kept drawing on his notebook. "What are you waiting for? Go on. Have at it."

"It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol gave him some puppy dog eyes.

"Ok. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." He got to his feet tossing the notebook across the room heading for the door.

Rebekah mocked them. "Yes, please go. This house has enough men rolling around in it. "

Kol turned and walked backwards out the door."Just like you, Bekah."

"Good riddance, both of you." Rebekah throws a book in the direction of Kol. "What are you doing over there, Raelyn. I thought you would have run off with my brothers and down some drinks."

Shaking my head I got to my feet heading towards the door feeling nervous about the text that was sent. I didn't want to go into some sort of danger without some kind of weapon. "I think I have to meet my mother at the clock tower. But I don't want to go in empty handed, do you guys have any weapons like stakes or something here?"

"I think Nik kept some when he took over my history teacher's body." She responded, leading me into another room opening a bottom cabinet of an arm wire.

"Wait a minute he possessed the body of a history teacher?" I questioned her.

She rummaged around pulling out a tiny stake that could fit inside my boots. "It didn't last long. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I'll be fine on my own. But I'll call you if something is off." I told her turning on my heels and leaving the original blonde. My walk to the middle of town wasn't bad considering most people were busy with their own things around me. Pausing in my step I lifted my head staring at the tower tapping my foot until I could almost feel someone watching me. "If someone is there, show yourself!"

The wind blew around me before I turned around at someone saying my name. "I was surprised to see you actually when I sent that message."

"Hello mother." I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest scowling at her. She had cut her long blonde hair leaving it to be above her shoulders.

Her eyes were almost full of tears when she attempted to hug me. "Oh sweet girl. I have missed you,"

"Don't do that, mom. You don't get to act like everything that happened was completely okay. You made me my murder my twin brother." I raised my hands taking a few more steps away from her rather than go forward and embrace her like she expected me too.

She raised a hand, stepping forward to me. "Raelyn, please let me explain. I haven't come here to drag you back to your Uncle Joshua. I am here to help you run."

"What if I don't want to run with you, mother?" I growled, turning my hands into fists at my sides. "Have you yet to realize that my trust in you is gone. You sent me and my brother to our own deaths and even after I did it to save your life now I am slightly regretting it!"

"You don't mean that, baby girl."

"Don't call me that. I refuse to listen to anything you have to tell me. I know what Uncle Joshua expects of me but I won't - I will never become the Gemini coven leader!" I throw my hands away from my sides shouting at her.

My mother stomped up grabbing my shoulders crying. "Then you will kill everyone in our Coven!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I gasped letting some tears drop thinking about Jo and her twin brother and sister.

She squeezes my shoulders sniffling through heavy tears. "You're right I need to not keep secrets from you anymore. It wasn't right that I didn't tell you and your brother what would happen during the Megre. But the reason your uncle is so obsessed and concerned is because if he dies and there isn't a new younger witch leader in his place then we all die alongside him."

"Go to hell, mother!" I spit in her face shoving her backwards stomping away until she raised her hand causing me to grab my head collapsing to my knees in agony. "Argh!"

She moved around me where I was forced to look her in the eye crying in pain seeing that she was siphoning a stone in her other hand so she could have magic. "If I have to treat you like you are five years old again I will do so if that is what it takes for you to believe me."

"You're a liar, mother. Tell uncle Joshua that if he wants to beg for his life then he should have come see me himself!" I threatened her weakly rising through the pain to stand on my feet about to make a move on her until she collapsed onto the ground dropping the stone. "Esther?"

I gasped lifting my gaze up before dropping on my knees searching for her pulse finding that my mother still had a weak heartbeat. The original witch lowered her hand coming towards me. "Don't worry, I just gave her a little magic nap. We should go before she wakes up, Raelyn."

"Why would I go with you?" I questioned her slowly reaching for the stake inside my left boot hoping she wouldn't notice.

She gave me a stern look offering her freehand to help me stand. "Because I need your help. You are a very powerful witch after all. There is a spell needed for my children."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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