Blood of Enemies

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A Few Months Ago

Jacob was driving the last few hours to out dads place giving me time to sleep. The twins made us stop every few hours needing food or something. Laying my head on the window I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The car pulls to a stop outside a tiny cabin in the middle of the woods. Getting out of the car the front door opened with my father lowering a shotgun at us. "Raelyn. Jacob, what are two doing back out here?"

"Well we wanted to pay respect to mom." My brother said, opening the backseat picking up little Missy in his arms.

I picked up Alina shutting the door with my back smiling at him. "And I was hoping you could watch these two. Just for a little while."

"Let's get inside. The house is cloaked." He motions for us to go in before him. He locked the door behind him sitting his shotgun down by the living room couch. Glancing around the room it was weird being back here after all the running I had done since the night of the Merge. Sitting down on the couch beside my twin we each held each of my kids in our lap. Our father sat across from us in his armchair by the TV. "So who am I getting to meet here? Cause I thought you were having triplets."

"This one here is Alina Josette Mikaelson." Holding up my little girl in my lap he smiled as her eyes that matched my eyes brightened.

"Melissa Luna Mikaelson...but we can call her Missy for short." Jacob tickled Missy's tummy making her giggle.

Our father got to his feet bending down on his knees placing a hand out for each of them to tug on his fingers. I smiled sniffing through some happy tears watching their interactions together at this young age. "Dad, I know what a risk I am asking of you. And I understand if you want to back out-"

"No, no, no, Raelyn." He cut me off, shaking his head quickly at me. "If your mother was here she would take these little ones in a heartbeat. So the risk doesn't matter to me."

Sitting Alina on the couch I fling my arms around his neck in a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my forehead running one hand through my hair. "Thank you, dad. Aa for my third child Klaus and I decided to separate them for their own safety until we make Orleans safer for them."

"Hey dad, can Rae and I see mom?" Jacob asked placing Missy by her sister offering his hand.

Squeezing my hand in his, we walked out onto the back porch. Our mom always loved sitting underneath a large tree in the middle of our backyard that gave off a lot of shade so he had made her grave underneath it. Bending down on my knees I struggled to not start sobbing. "Mom, I understand what you said about doing whatever you would for your children. I will do anything for my kids. And I just wanted to thank you for giving Jacob and I a second chance at life together."

Gripping my hair in my fingers tightly I stumbled into Nik's art room seeing that he was throwing one of his paintings across the room in anger. He growled where I shoved my hands on the wooden table with my hair falling over my shoulders feeling tired the whole morning. "Uhhh...why am I feeling so drained every time?"

"I don't know, Rae. But we will figure this out soon I promise." He declares running his fingers through his hair slumping down in the arm chair beside the window.

Walking over to him slowly it had been a few months since we had entrusted our children in the hands of our family members. Jacob and Hayley were back in the bayou finding her remaining pack of wolves that had been separated by a crescent curse. Plopping down in the chair beside him I run my hands down my face. "Maybe it's something to do with our link still being there. I mean the babies could have blocked the strength of the ring you gave me."

✅️ Gemini Runawayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें