What's Wrong With Raelyn?

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"Focus on the heartbeat. That's when you stop." Klaus instructed me sitting on the couch love seat with a compelled redhead girl in front of me. We had been training for weeks now but he kept pulling me back before going all the way.

Holding the girl by her neck I bit into her slowly. Moving my hands tightly around her the blood flew down my throat like a rocket. The veins under my eyes grew darker and I could hear the girl's heartbeat slowing down. "Pull back, Rae. Raelyn!" He shouted at me grabbing me by my shoulders and throwing me onto the couch.

"Urgh. Why won't you let me just get my fill!" I vamped up to my feet throwing my hair around getting in his face. "I do nothing but sit around this house and wait for you to bring back blood bags. I had more freedom when I wasn't dead!"

Klaus scoffed, waving his index finger at me. "Because you have yet to prove that you can stop on your own. If I let you loose on the world right now you'd slaughter the entire town of Mystic Falls."

"Well maybe I don't care. Damon has told me once that vampires have to drink from the veins otherwise they aren't as strong. If I drink animal blood then I am weak-" Covering my mouth I bent over feeling pain in my stomach from the babies. Stumbling into the couch I gripped the side wincing until the pain faded. "Oh...can we go after Sophie Devero next because she should have given me something for the pain of carrying three miracle children."

He slowly walked over to me dropping one of his hands down onto my stomach where I moved my gaze up seeing that the anger in his eyes disappeared. "I'm sorry, Rae. How about we go over to the Salvatore's tonight. I'm told Damon is stocked up on more blood bags and we are almost out."

"Fine. But you better not be lying to me." I shrugged on a red leather jacket heading outside the door with him following my heels until we ended up at their front door.

"Hey, little siphon. Klaus good job getting her here." Damon opened the door where we both stepped inside for me to see Bonnie, Rebekah, Elijah, Caroline, Stefan and Elena all standing around the couch.

Knitting my brows together I whipped my head around seeing Nik and Damon guarding the front door for some reason. "What the hell did you drag me here for, Nik?"

"Raelyn, don't be mad but we are here because we care about you. We want to make sure that you don't do something you'll regret." Caroline came forward first taking my hands into hers.

Making a face at her I couldn't help but laugh. "Do something I regret. What is this like some lame integration because I feel fine. Who's idea exactly was this?"

"Mine, Raelyn." Klaus responded when I glanced over my shoulder, meeting my gaze. "You aren't the same person you were before you turned. I've never seen that happen to anyone. So yes I called the people who actually care about you. The only person that couldn't come was Josette because she was slammed at the hospital. Now please just give this a chance."

Stomping up to him I growled in his face not believing that he dragged me into a trap. He said he would never lie to me and yet he's done just that at this moment. "You broke your promise to me. You said you wouldn't lie to me. So as far as I am concerned I can't trust you. Now I'm leaving." Attempting to move around him he vamped in front of me.

I tried again where Damon was standing but the raven haired vampire twisted my arms around my back holding me there. "Nice try, siphon."

"Rae, just sit and hear us out for a little while. If we are wrong then you can go and we won't stop you." Rebekah spoke up eyeing the two boys holding me in the doorway waiting until they each gave her a nod in agreement.

Breaking free from Damon's arms I plopped down on the main couch seeing that Elena was wearing a daylight ring on her hand now too. "So I'm going to be taking advice from a newbie vampire who hates being one. Oh joy, this should be good. If she can't even choose between two brothers, how is she going to know what is wrong with me huh?"

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