Big Milestone and Mysterious Woman

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"Hey J, it's me again. Look, I know why you are dodging my calls. And I just wish that you would give me a chance to explain myself. If you'll hear me out, call me back bye." I recorded the tenth message to my twin brother while sitting inside the bar with Cami.

She picked up one of the empty shot glasses I had and sliding me another since I had given her a hundred dollar bill Nik had given me. "I guess he's still ignoring your calls huh?"

"Yep. Hey sorry for bringing up a sore subject but did you and your twin ever fight so hard you avoided the others calls?" I asked the blonde bartender knowing that she had told us that she had a twin brother too. He was apparently responsible by some vampire or something to kill everyone in his church group and then including himself afterwards.

She sat down on her cleaning rag resting her elbows on the counter when she spoke to me. "I mean we had fights like every sibling does. Although I will say we never had any huge fights where we didn't talk to each other."

"Oh." I dropped my gaze to the drink in my hands.

She placed her hand over mine, making me look into her eyes. "I believe that people are capable of changing who they are. Everyone has another side to them. So if he is angry with you now give him time and he might come around."

"I suppose so." Slumping my shoulders I took a long dink from my glass that I was holding in my left hand.

Cami tilts her head catching sight of my link ring but there was another one on my ring finger. "Hold on, were you just going to leave out the fact that you're engaged."

"Oh yeah sorry. It's just been a busy couple of days. Considering Nik and I have had to watch over three different babies running around the compound. And did I mention that two of them are siphon witches like me so they are even more of a handful then a normal witch."  Flipping my hair out of my eyes I sat down my glass throwing my hands up in the air shaking my head.

She gasped, throwing her hands up in the air cheering with a smile reminding me slightly of Caroline. "Awe I can't believe he proposed to you. I mean granted you two aren't exactly following the traditional get married and then have kids thing. But still that's great."

"Yep he sure did. With my grandma's ring that she gave to my father and so he passed it down to me and Jacob. If the Merge didn't happen when it did I figured it would whoever got engaged first." I smiled, shaking my head twirling the ring of my hand before my phone rang, pulling it out I pressed it to my ear. "Hey Nikky, what's up?"

"Raelyn, you need to come back to the compound. I think one of the girls is trying to walk." He responded quickly when I jumped from the barstool.

Cami asked in curiosity. "What is happening?"

"I'll text you later, Cami. I've gotta go." Slamming down the money to her I vamped back home. Striding up the stairs he was in one of the living rooms with the three girls around him.

Missy was crawling around on the carpet. Alina was laying in her fathers lap with him bouncing her lightly in his arms. Finally my eyes focused on our oldest Hope. She had her hands out on the floor and her knees on the floor where I bent down taking her hands in mine helping her stand. "Here you go, babygirl. Hold onto mommy."

"I am surprised she is trying to walk before saying her first words." He replied seeing Missy rolling around on her back and making grabby hands at him. He held Alina on one leg and held her on his other where she made a giggle noise at him.

Hope stumbled into my chest when she took a try to stand on her own. Gently holding onto her hands I helped her balance. "Our family isn't actually good at following the normal way now are we, mr. Hybrid." Little Hope let go of my hands and stepped forward with wobbly legs falling a couple of times before she got the hang of it.

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