Bringing Her Humanity Back

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Mikaelson's Mansion

Klaus had gathered Caroline and the Bennett witch to help him get Raelyn back. He even insisted on the help of Stefan even though he didn't really trust him at the moment. He hit his hands on the table glaring at the witch. "So what exactly can you do to bring my darling Raelyn back?"

"Why do you assume that I can fix her? She's a vampire and it's a choice to turn off that switch or so I am told. So what makes you think that I can bring her back?" She asked him, rolling her eyes at him.

He growled. "Because you had enough power to unlink me from my siblings. You had enough power to help Rae get her magic back. You had enough power to show that she had my three babies still alive in her. So I don't see the reason for such heasition!"

"Klaus, we are trying to help because we care about her too. So don't snap if someone sounds insane." Caroline spat in his direction.

"I want her to be herself again. If she has her humanity on then she won't be a Ripper. I know Raelyn better than either of you!" He spattered.

Caroline snapped her fingers at him. "Klaus, shut up please. It won't help get her back any further if we keep bickering. So just tell us what you think will be helpful."

"The one person that is key to her humanity would be Jacob." He ran a hand through his curls sighing and biting his lip.

Bonnie made a face. "Who's Jacob?"

"He's my son." The three whipped their heads around at the new woman's voice seeing her standing in the doorway. Eliza Lane and her husband Kayce met the gaze of the hybrid eyeing the pair.

Kayce extended his hand forward, nervous by how fast his heartbeat was going. "Mr. Mikaelson. I wish I could say it was a pleasure to finally meet you. But I guess when you fall in love with a witch siphon you kind of give up a normal life as an ordinary human."

"Call me Klaus, Mr. Lane. I am sorry to contact you in such a way. But your daughter needs to be brought back to reality. Are you familiar with how a vampire's humanity switch works?" Klaus shook his hand seeing a look of confusion on the man's face.

Caroline took the hybrid by the arm leading him out of the room quickly. "Esculent us for a second." Once they're around the corner and out of ear shot she hits him on the arm. "What is wrong with you. Have you not told them she was a vampire yet?"

"I told them that her life was in danger, that is all they needed to know." He raised his voice at the blonde.

She gripped her hair in between her fingers groaning with her head thrown backwards. "Have you lost your mind. How could you not tell them that she was a...a vampire. They deserve to know that their only living child is now a vampire."

"Again your nagging isn't helping. Raelyn's life is more important then the truth - wait she told me repeatedly if she died when she was the leader then everyone else would die. So how the bloody hell are her mother, uncle Joshua and cousin Josette alive?"

The hybrid stomped into the living room slamming his hands on the table at the witch. "Bring Josette and Joshua Parker here. They have some explaining to do!"

"My brother doesn't need to be anywhere near my daughter." Eliza snapped at him.

His blue eyes fixing on her gaze. "He's part of the reason she is in this mess. So unless you can tell the Bennett witch a way to get her to start feeling things again. I suggest you fill your human husband on what world he signed up for!"

"Klaus, can we talk alone privately?" Kayce asked the hybrid where they left the room heading upstairs so they wouldn't be heard as much by Caroline. "I know what is going on it's just shocking to here what you're last living child is going through. You'll understand what I mean the day you two have your children."

✅️ Gemini RunawayWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu