Vampire Camille

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"Cami, I have left you ten messages and five phone calls. I'm starting to get worried. So please answer me." I complained into my phone, shoving it in my back pocket.

Klaus and I were standing outside her apartment before he kicked opened the door without a care. "If she was going to answer she would have done it by now. I suggest we stop waiting."

"You're going to pay for that, Nik." I warned him about stepping over the threshold since we had been invited inside already. Walking into her apartment and into her bedroom I gasped seeing her bleeding from her neck on the bed. "Camille!"

"Bloody hell!" Klaus cursed not hearing her heartbeat anymore.

Brushing her hair out of her face I jumped back when she gasped upright frantically looking around. "Raelyn. Klaus!"

"Cami, thank goodness." Covering my heart I was relieved she was alive.

Klaus bent down on his knees asking her quietly. "Tell us what happened."

"Aurora." She spoke where I took her hand in mine doing a mind dive on her.

She was walking back to her apartment but when she opened the door Aurora shoved her against the door. "Nice to see you again. Cami. Now you will do what I say. You will take Raelyn's blood from his vial and once it's in your system. You will slit your throat."

"I will do what you say." She responded before I watched her drink my blood that she must have gotten off the stake she stabbed me with. Cami drank it and she laid down on the bed.

Cami started crying. "She did this to me. I died. I'm dead."

"Well, you will not stay dead." I told her taking her hand in mine gently crying some tears for her.

Klaus raised his voice wanting to tear everything apart. "She will pay for her actions, I swear to you!"

She moaned, holding her head. "Oh, what's happening to me?"

"You're transitioning into a vampire." I responded softly.

He rested a hand on her shoulder staring down at me silently. "You need to feed on blood soon, or you will die again, this time for good."

By the time the sun had come up she had still not fed on blood. Which makes me worry about her even more. She stumbles in the room holding her head. "Uh. The light is killing me."

"You'll adjust." Nik told her.

She groaned in agony. "Why does the music sound so loud? Why does everything hurt so much."

"As soon as you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become... euphoric." He explained to her with me leaning against the table

She raised her head up, hair falling in front of her eyes. "You just assume I'm gonna do it? Feed on human blood?" What did I expect? I chose to live here right along all of you, knowing what you are. What the hell did I think was gonna happen? This was only ever gonna end one way. I deserve this."

"No one deserves this, not unless they choose it, and some of us don't have that choice." Klaus shifted his gaze over to me where I flashback to the night Tyler Lockwood sent me to my death. "We just have to survive what is forced upon us."

She sat down holding a hand over her forehead. "But I do have a choice. I can choose not to feed."

Klaus moved towards her until I grabbed the back of his dark gray jacket dragging him away from her and into another room. He sent me a glare when I shut the door behind us with magic. "Raelyn, we can't let her just choose to not turn."

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now