Finding the Heretics

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"I still can't believe that you and your brother are heretics. As far as I knew the remaining ones were long since destroyed." Jo said, sitting at the edge of the bed. 

The girls were asleep in their beds since it was almost midnight but we didn't feel like sleeping. Jacob and I shared the same look of confusion where he asked her. "What do you mean remaining ones. Are you saying there were heretics before me and Rae?"

"Before the 1900s, Damon and Stefan's mother fell in with a group of witches that were cast out of the Gemini coven." Jo began explaining, putting her hands together in her lap. "They were known as heretics, siphoners like Kai, but not just that. Lily turned them, resulting in creatures that are both witch and vampire."

Sending her a look I raised a brow. "If they existed during that time then how could the Original vampire family not know about them?"

"That's a question for your husband, Rae. I can't answer that. What I can tell you both is this. These are witches that have magic only when they siphon power from another source. As vampires..." She sighed, slumping her shoulders.

Jacob finished her sentence. "They have a constant source."

"They can siphon off of themselves like we can."  I added on afterwards twirling the wedding ring on my left hand.

The current Gemini twin nodded. "They were on their way to destroy the Gemini, but the coven got to them first, put them into exile. Heretics are ruthless...Vampires with witch power, an aberration of least that is what my father told me growing up."

"No wonder uncle Joshua was so angry at you." Jacob glanced at me.

Tucking hair behind my ear I stared at my cousin knowing how her dad felt about siphons. All witch coven's didn't like them. But now it was especially dangerous if they were vampires like us. "The coven really doesn't like people who aren't like them."

"They can never be allowed to escape. Imagine Kai with the bloodlust of a vampire. Now imagine 6 of them." Josette warned my brother and I.

Leaning towards her I put my hands together in my lap, still slightly confused about one thing. "You said escape. Escape from where exactly, Jo?"

"Our coven created Lily and her heretics their own prison world. And it hasn't been touched since the day it was created. As far as I know all the vampires should have died from lack of blood." Josette revealed making the two of us go silent for the rest of the evening.

Looking around in some of the cabinets and drawers we had been looking for the ascendant for hours and found nothing. We were back at my uncle's abandoned house. His place was the last where about the object since Kai was released. "Urgh. It has to be here somewhere. It wouldn't just vanish into thin air."

"Remind me again why we are even searching for the ascendant if all the prison worlds are soon to be destroyed once we make sure that Kai is actually dead." Klaus learned against the doorway of my uncle's bedroom arms crossed.

Cami put some books on the shelf looking for a hiding hole but was finding nothing either. "Because Raelyn thinks that they might be a threat."

"And anything like an army of heretics according to Josette was a bad idea to release." Jacob added on after her.

Shoving my hands against the table I sighed, throwing my hair over my shoulders. "The reason we are doing this is to make sure that the other heretics are actually dead. Jo said that they wouldn't have enough blood so they should be but I'm not taking the chance."

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