The Fate of Three Children

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"Nik, seriously. You didn't have to buy the entire strawberry stand product." I giggled sitting in a chair in front of the full table of fruit and whatever else he could fit on it.

He walked to me with hands crossed behind his back smiling at me. "I don't mind filling your need for whatever cravings our princes or princess want. Money isn't an issue as you know."

"I appreciate the offer then. Jacob and Hayley should be searching the bayou for her family. But one of these days we might go see my father. You know pay respect to our mother.' I told him shoving some fruit in my mouth while I talked.

"He could always come live here with us. Once I take back Marcel's house and kingdom from him. We can live like royalty." Nik sat down on the edge of the table tasting some strawberries for himself.

Raising a brow at him I smirked. "I believe we already do."

"You deserve it, Rae." He leans down kissing my forehead gently.

Tossing a strawberry into his mouth I responded back. "As for my father living with us. I think he's quite alright with where he is. He's out in the countryside."

"Ah I see. Well it's always on the table if he wants to." He shrugs his shoulders jumping from the table picking me up where he sat down in my chair. He placed me onto his lap wrapping his arms around the middle of my waist. "I want you to know that when the day comes and you give birth. I will make sure that I am by your side."

Looping my fingers with his I leaned my head back against his chest where he placed his chin on top of my head. "I know you will always be there for me. Together forever, Nik."

"Together forever, Rae." He muttered into my hair, kissing it gently.

Thrashing against the vervain ropes I wanted to escape and tear the witches apart but nothing was going to work. Through my whole back and stomach I was feeling contractions left and right. I knew I was close to my due date yet this was about a week sooner than we had planned for. "Who are you...and if you're so concerned with more power why didn't you nab Daivina too."

"My name is Geinueve. We couldn't grasp onto her life force but we sensed a strong one inside you." The orange haired witch explained grabbing a knife before shoving my legs apart. "We're almost ready to begin."

By now the three had magically transported us into an abandoned crypt where I gripped the side of the table feeling more pain when she got down telling me to start pushing. "Klaus will kill all of you for kidnapping me!"

"No you won't. No matter how powerful you think you two are. You two will not be able to stop us once we have our ancestors' power." The other witch standing beside me declares not fazed by what they were doing to me.

Clutching my eyes shut I began pushing as much as I could hearing a baby cry out. One of the other witches picked up the baby before I felt more pain coming through me. "Don't you dare touch my babies....ah!"

Suddenly the door behind my feet gets thrown open and I gasped in relief seeing Nik rushing inside. "Nik!" Klaus lunges toward a witch guard and rips his head off. Abigail and Genevieve link hands and telekinetically pin Klaus to the wall beside me.

Geinueve pulled out the second baby where it began crying immediately. Shortly after that I bared my teeth giving the last bite of strength I had to push out the last baby. Klaus fights against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he cannot get free. He shouted at the three seeing the small infants laying on the table beside me wrapped in blankets. "I will bring hell to your family! I will bathe in rivers of your blood! You will die screaming!"

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now