You Only Live Once

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Opening my eyes I glanced around seeing that I was in some kind of store with an isle full of bourbon. Walking down the aisle I was confused as to how and what this place I needed up was exactly. I could hear someone chewing where I peaked my head around the corner seeing a guy with black hair and dark eyes. "I can feel you staring at me gir. Why not just show yourself fully."

"Who the hell are you?" I kept my distance from him but walked out where he could see me all the way. There was something familiar about him I just couldn't put my finger on it.

He chewed some chips from his bag. "Sorry manners, I'm Kai Parker. Pork Rind, now who exactly are you?"

"You're Jo's twin brother?" I blurted out feeling completely nervous around him now more than ever.

He stopped chewing his food, swaying the bag towards me, smirking up at me. "You know Josette, huh. How is she after she helped send me to this prison world. Now can I please know your name?"

"I'm not telling you anything, Kai." I growled at him.

He quickly got to his feet grabbing my hands where I winced feeling him siphoning my magic with his hands turning red. "I thought we could do this the nice way but I guess not."

I closed my eyes tightly seeing Esther performing her spell to kill her children until I grabbed her forearms. "Magia tollux de terras!" I declared gasping sharply feeling her energy running through her, but it was a lot more than I was ever used to.

"What the hell. You're a siphon too." Kai gasped before I drew my hands back, throwing him with my magic before everything went black.

Shooting my eyes opened I screamed frantically looking around the room seeing that I was back in one of the rooms of the Mikaelson mansion. Someone vamped in front of me holding my shoulders where I shot my gaze to the person meeting the blue orbs that belonged to Klaus. "Nik....oh my good. Where is he...where's Kai!"

"Easy Raelyn. Just breathe for me." He instructed me.

Shaking my head I gripped the bedsheets in my fingers with my chest heaving up and down still utterly terrified. "No, I saw him. Jo's was in his prison world somehow. He's gonna come after me, Nik!"

"Rae, stop for a second. Who the bloody hell is Kai. I don't know who you are talking about." He raised his brows at me clearly not following me.

"He's not here....was I dead. I ....passed out with your blood in my system didn't I?"

Klaus moved one his hands up wiping away fallen tears hating to see me cry. But it scared the living hell out of him to hear her  almost on the edge of dying and not coming back either. "No you didn't die. I rushed you back here and thankfully I got some blood in you before your heart gave out or you would have been in transition. Can you just take some deep breaths in and out for me. I'd like you to not be blaring your heart in my ear, sweetheart."

"Uh sure sorry." I gulped doing what he said slowly taking in some breaths feeling my heart and just chest not being as tight as they once were.

He kisses my forehead pulling my head into his chest where I gripped the dog tag necklace sniffing through some more tears staining part of his gray shirt. "That's my girl. You're here with me. There's no Kai here."

"Thank you...I knew your mother wanted me dead just like all the other witches. Why did I think that she was going to accept me. The only reason my family does is because if they don't then they will all die." I drew my head back yanking my brothers necklace off, tossing it across the room where it hit the wall a little harshly. "That's all I'm good for now keeping my insane Coven alive...keeping my cousins that I actually like their company alive. I don't need to bother with magic anymore!"

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now