Not Little Girls Anymore

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Stomping around in the woods I clutched my hands into fists at my sides feeling anger boiling in my body. The wind blew my hair in my face before I just lost it. Throwing my hands out in front of me breaking the bark off trees into tiny pieces that were almost too small to see. "Universa ruina I tenebras ra damis infinitum..dissulta."

Raising my hands up again the trees smashed again and the wind began picking up. Gripping my hair tightly in my fingers I heard someone coming up to me where I spun on my feet showing my fangs at whoever it was. "Get the hell out of here unless you're looking for a fight!"

"Raelyn, Woah hey don't bite my head off. It's just me." The figure stepped out from behind one of the trees that I had destroyed where I saw Cami with her hands raised in the air.

The veins underneath my eyes slowly went away when I slumped my shoulders calming down at the sight of her. "Cami, what are you doing out here?" She had moved back here about two years ago so she could work at one of the bars here like she did when she was human.

"Freya called me and told me that you're brother, Hayley and Andrea are missing. If you want me to help track them I can. But I am also here and I can provide some booze and an ear for listening." She claps her hands together with a weak smile.

Blinking through some tears I pushed my hands inside the pocket of my jacket. "I'd say booze after I get to rip whoever took my brother from me!.....but right now I...I need a hug. Jacob and I have never been apart like this since he came back from the dead."

"Come here, Rae." Cami opens her arms for me where I collapsed against her, beginning to sob in terror that someone might hurt them. "Hey ever since I have met you and your brother even when he was just a siphon witch there is nothing that stopped him from fighting back."

Holding tightly onto her shirt in my fingers I croaked through some more tears. "I just don't want to lose him, Cami. He's...he's still my twin brother."

"You don't have to explain it to me ever. I would give anything to have my own twin brother back in my life. All you should know is that I am here for you always." She broke the hug holding my forearms seeing that some tears were falling down my face.

Sucking in a breath I felt my phone go off when I read a text from Freya that said people were gathering at the compound asking about Henry the newly turned hybrid. "Thanks Cami...oh Freya says there's trouble at the compound. Someone wants Henry out of town." She grasped my hand in mine and we vamped into the main entrance of the compound where I saw Vincent where I immediately got angry again.

"Raelyn Mikaelson, I thought we had an understanding about you and your children staying in this city. And now I have to deal with one of them making a hybrid. I'll throw you out of-"

Raising my hand I shut him up with a silent spell stomping up to the witch who thought he could do anything to me. "Silencio, at first I thought you were helping us but you're not. The truth is now that I look at you, you really just wanted them gone. You wanted my family torn apart!"

"Of course I did. This city was in danger and now it isn't because I put the Hollow into the Mikaelson's. You asked for my help to save your daughters and your niece so that is what I have done." He somehow undid the spell I had used throwing me against the wall where I growled about to charge at him.

Cami vamped in between Vincent and I before I could hurt him. "Wait, wait, wait. Just stop for a second here. Okay Raelyn just wants her family back together. Can't we find a way to bring them back and not destroy the city?"

"Cami, you can't be serious now. When you were human Klaus compelled you without a thought, you nearly died multiple times. And then you became a vampire after Klaus's ex forced Raelyn to turn you. So I don't understand what makes you still be friends with this family. They only care about the ones who they share blood with!" Vincent raised his hands up in the air rolling his eyes at the former human.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now