Fighting the Magical Barrie

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3 years later

Sitting on my bed while the girls were off with Jacob to get ice cream. Placing my hands on my lap I calmed my mind waving my hand creating a crystal prism in my hands. "Finitus... invidium cala mactus." The crystal glowed in my hand when I got to my feet letting the sunlight bounce off it before creating a figure in front of me with its magic.

"Hello love." A figure of Klaus smiled back at me. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt with his black jacket thrown over it.

Holding the crystal to my chest I squealed like a child. "Holy crap it worked. Uh hi my subconscious version of you."

"How did you manage this, Raelyn?" He asked, crossing his arms behind his chest.

"Um basically I found a crystal similar to the moonstone. And I combined a subconscious and vision spell together so that I can talk to my subconscious version of you. Now that I say it out loud it sounds crazy." Running my fingers through my hair I sighed, feeling embarrassed.

Nik walked closer with our eyes meeting briefly. "It's not crazy, Rae. Rather impressive."

"You're lying." I snapped.

He shook his head at me. "Do you want me to lie to you?"

"No, never. But..." I didn't have a clue what to say.

Klaus steps closer where I spun around wishing that it was the real him. Not even magic could fix him physically being here. "Tell me what you want and I'll do whatever you want."

"I wish it were that way but you can't give me what I want, Nik." I sniffed feeling some tears falling down my face.

He tilted his head to the side with his baby blues focused on me alone. "Tell me what to do and I will fix it-"

"Nik, I miss you. And I stupidly thought that this would help me while we search for cures for your siblings but it doesn't!" Throwing my hands away from my sides I cried even more spinning around on my feet. "Because I can't live without you, not physically anymore but mentally. I want to tear Marcel apart for separating us like this. I....I miss everything about you and I will do anything to get you back..."

"Raelyn!" Someone else called my name before I saw Jo come into the apartment.

Waving the crystal over the sunshine in the window hologram Klaus disappeared. "Hey , uh hey Jo." I sniffed, wiping away tears as quickly as possible.

"Is everything okay here? Rae, what have you got there?" She sat down with a bag from her day at work with the hospital. Her gaze noticed me holding a crystal behind my back.

Kicking the carpet with my foot I avoided her gaze. "I may have made a magical prism so I could talk to my subconscious version of my husband because I am going crazy without him.."

"Oh Rae Rae." She made a disappointed look.

Slumping down on the bed I put my face in my hands sighing heavily under my breath. "I know, I'm pathetically insane. But we've never been separated this long before. I ...I don't know how to deal with it. And I thought seeing him would give me hope. But I just miss the hell out of him!"

"Raelyn, you might be going through some sort of grief."

"He's not gone, Josette!" I snapped at her revealing my fangs with more tears coming down my face. "He's alive with that monster and I can't go save him until I find cures. I...I have never felt alone like this even though I have my daughters, friends, you and Jacob. Yet even with that I don't feel better. I..."

She pulled me in for a hug running a hand through my hair letting me cry. "Sssh Raelyn. I'm here. How about this. I can tell you about my date with this hot teacher at the college. So we had fun but when we were back at the hospital he tried to compel me."

✅️ Gemini RunawayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora