Moment of Peace

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“It’s nothing sweetheart. Now show me how you have started talking with them.” The other two grabbed my hands after taking Missy’s hands in theirs. 

Opening my eyes again I moved my head around seeing that we were in a garden area. Walking around with my daughters in tow I headed up the white front porch. Pushing the door open we entered the house seeing all the Mikaelson’s siblings all sitting in the living room together. “Raelyn, what are you doing here?” 

“The girls said they found a way into your dream space. So I told them to show me.” Shoving my hands inside my back I smiled at them. 

Hope moved around my leg getting in the center of the room sitting down on the coffee table grinning at the group. “It was my idea.” 

“Since we’re all here. I should catch you up to speed on everything.” Moving around Elijah I sat down in the empty chair between him and Kol. Rebekah and Freya were on the other side of the table. 

Missy came forward smiling at them. “Can we play musical chairs or something?” 

“Are we five?” Kol grumbled until I sent him a glare. 

Alina crossed her arms over her chest scowling while standing by him. “I say we play hide and seek. But use our powers.” 

“That’s my girl.” Kol raised his hand and they high fived one another. 

Freya leans forward in her chair clasping her hands together. “What exactly is happening out there. Have you and the others found the cures yet?” 

“I have found one of them. The other two are still being hunted down by Hayley and Cami. Jaocb and I have been busy raising our kids by ourselves basically.” I put my hands on my knees looking at the oldest Mikaelson. “Andrea is three now and my triplets are six. We are living with my cousin Josette. And now her crazy psycho cousin is out to kill her.” 

Rebekah dropped her smile to the floor. “I’m sorry we can’t be more helpful while stuck here.” 

“It’s not your fault, Bex.” I told her. 

Elijah tapped hie chin in thought. "Is he cousin that is a siphon like you and your brother Jacob used to be?" 

"That's right, Lijah." I nodded. 

Freya crossed her legs sitting in her chair. "So you're coven is going to come for the girls aren't they. Since you told me about the whole merge when Missy and Alina are twenty-two." 

"Not anymore. I found a loophole." 

Elijah raised a brow. "What kind of loophole, Raelyn?" 

"One very powerful spell that unlinked my bloodline and any more kids Nik and I have together." Shifting my gaze around the group of vampires and witches. "That way they will never have to do the Merge. And never know the torture I had to with Jacob." 

Kol grinned in my direction. "I see what Nik sees in you. You're determination to not let anyone hurt your family." 

"Like a true Mikaelson." Freya smiled. 

Rebekah raised her wine glass towards me. "Always and forever." 

Alina put her hands on her hips being impatient, looking like Rebekah. "Are we going to play a game or not?" 

“Yeah, “ Hope said, with a smile.

"So what do you all want to play?" Rebekah asked the triplets. 

I looked around at the group, considering their suggestions. "Alright, let's play hide and seek with our powers, But let's make it a bit more interesting. We'll split into teams. Team A will be the seekers, and Team B will be the hiders. The hiders can use their powers to hide, but they have to stay within the boundaries of the house and garden area. The seekers will have to find them using their own abilities."

Kol grinned mischievously. "Sounds like a challenge. I'm in."

Freya nodded in agreement. "I could use a little excitement."

Hope jumped up from the coffee table, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I'll be on Team B! Who wants to join me?"

Alina raised her hand eagerly. "I'm with you, Hope!"

Rebekah and Elijah exchanged a glance before Rebekah spoke up. "I'll join Team A. Elijah, what about you?"

Elijah smiled and stood up. "I'll be on Team A as well. Let the games begin."

We divided into our teams, with Team A consisting of Elijah, Rebekah, Missy, and myself, and Team B consisting of Hope, Alina, Kol, and Freya. We decided to give the hiders a five-minute head start before the seekers would begin their search. As the hiders scattered to find their hiding spots, I could feel the excitement building in the room. This was a much-needed break from the chaos of our lives, a chance to let loose and have some fun. Once the five minutes were up, Team A began their search. Elijah used his heightened senses to detect any presence nearby, while Rebekah and I used our speed to quickly search through the rooms. It was a thrilling game of cat and mouse, with the hiders using their powers to stay one step ahead. "Dang Alina must be siphoning off Freya. Cause I can't hear her heartbeat." 

"Give me your hand, momma." Missy clutched her hand shut telling me to give her my hand. Placing my hand in hers I let her siphon from me. I gasped when she led me through the house finding her sister and aunt Freya were hiding in the attic. 

Alina grumbled angerly putting her arms over her chest. "How did you find us, Missy!" 

"It's a magicial triplet thing I guess. I could sense your magic." She shrugged her shoulders jumping off the ladder landing on her feet. 

Rebekah was on the hunt for my oldest daughter not seeing anyone hiding in the rooms. So Elijah moved on the ground outside hearing a tiny heartbeat. "I believe I have found the little rascal." 

"Hi uncle Lijah." Hope waved peaking her head. 

After what felt like an eternity of searching, we finally found the last hider, Kol, hiding behind a bookshelf in the study. He grinned triumphantly as we approached him. "Well played, Kol," I said, trying to catch my breath. "You certainly gave us a run for our money."

Kol shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? I'm the master of hiding."

Missy came running down the hallway Launching a pillow right at Elijah. "Pillow fight!" 

"Little Missy, I suggest you do not start a fight that you won't win." He warned her where she squealed when he chased after her. 

Moving out onto the porch I leaned against the porch fence. The wind blows through my hair where I couldn't get the image of Nik in chains. "I will rescue you, Niklaus." 

"Mommy, Missy is making feathers!" Hope came out onto the porch pulling me from my trance. 

Turning on my heels I followed her inside seeing that Missy was siphoning from Elijah throwing her freehand in the air. "It's like snow." She cheered by breaking one of the pillows with magic. Which resulted in the feathers falling down from the ceiling and getting almost everything. 

Alina and Hope intertwined hands together and they started dancing around in the falling feathers. Freya and Rebekah came to stand beside me. "This is when I miss him the most.." 

"We all do, Rae." Rebekah clasped my hand in hers. "Our greatest strength after all is family." 

Freya's gaze shifted over to us. "But I've never known you to back down from fighting to get this family together again." 

"And I won't stop until we are all reunited. You have my word. Now let’s go join the others. " We all gathered back in the living room, laughing and recounting our hiding spots and close calls. It was a moment of pure joy and camaraderie, a reminder that even in the midst of our struggles, we could still find moments of happiness and connection. As we settled down, catching our breath and sharing stories, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this makeshift family that had come together. Despite the challenges we faced, we were united by love and a shared purpose. And in that moment, as we sat together in the living room, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, we would face them together.

Comments really appreciated ❤️  Melvia-ito

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