I Forever, I Do

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Warning - mature content in this chapter. 18 +, don't read if you are not comfortable
@Dragonixfrye  thank you for helping write this chapter.

Someone jumped onto my bed this morning where I screamed almost falling on the floor getting thrown around. Sitting upright I glared down at my twin brother Jacob seeing that he was grinning brightly at me. "Jacob, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Being here for your wedding day silly butt." He sat up with his knees to his chest.

Slumping my shoulders I sighed, shocked that he was actually here. We still hadn't talked since I had used a sleeping spell to keep him safe after facing off against Mikael. "Jacob, look I'm sorry about what I did to you. But it was to protect you-"

"Rae, it's fine. We'll talk about that later. Today is about you and you're marrying Klaus Mikaelson." He held his hands up in surrender. He climbed from the bed offering me his hands tugging me up with me grinning brightly.

Squeezing his hands in mine, my eyes shifted to the wedding dress handing on the door. "Well thank you for being here. I really couldn't imagine you not. Have you seen dad here too?"

"Yeah he's waiting out in the hall for when you are ready. I'll be in charge of the girls." He responded back heading over and opening the door revealing Caroline and Rebekah grinning brightly.

Rebekah shut the door with the heel of her boot once my brother left the room. "Okay so we only have a few hours before this whole thing goes down."

"But first some champagne." Caroline handed me a glass popping the cork off the bottle.

"And to one day of no Mikaelson family drama." Raising my glass in the air we all clinked our glasses together downing the drink. It took us about three hours to get me ready to put the dress on since Caroline and Bex couldn't settle on the same hair style. We ended up leaving most of my hair loose with some curls done up in it.

Two strands of my hair were clipped back with a gold pin. I had my cowgirl boots underneath the dress with the linked ring from Nik on my right ring finger now since I would be getting a new ring on my left. Someone knocked on the door peeking inside. "Are you ready, babygirl?"

"Yeah dad I think I am." Looping my arm through the other two vampires left the room leaving us time alone.

He paused in his step reaching inside his suit pocket revealing a necklace handing from his hand. "I went through your mothers things and I came across this. She told me once that it belonged to her mother and that she wore it on her wedding day. Then she wore it so I knew she would pass it down to you."

"Oh dad, it's beautiful....I miss her." Holding it in between my fingers he clipped it standing behind me when I viewed it in the mirror. It was a simple pearl necklace that I had only seen in one picture in my whole life.

He squeezed my shoulder offering his hand where I took it, looping our arms together again. "So do I, Raelyn. But she is with you and J. Always and forever." He replied, starting to walk me down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom I saw Caroline, Rebekah, Cami and Davina in their places as bridesmaids. Stefan, Elijah, Kol and finally my brother Jacob on the other side. Damon was the one standing in the middle with Klaus.

My father kissed my forehead placing my hand in Nik's seeing slight confusion on my face that Damon would be performing the ceremony. "He insisted that no one else would do a better job than him. I'll let him if you don't mind even though I could have just compelled someone."

"No, no, it's perfect. That way it'll only be family here." I told him nodding in the direction of the eldest Salvatore.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two epic lovebirds in official matrimony. The crazy immortal hybrid Klaus Mikaelson and the little siphon witch who threw me off his front porch the first day we met, Raelyn Lane. But before we begin, if anyone has any objections to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace." Nobody said anything so he nodded, keeping the ceremony going. "Go ahead with the vows then you two."

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