Red Roses and Blood

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Throwing my phone against the wall it shatters into pieces after I heard Cami go visit the church with Josh to find my brother and Hayley. But the coffins were destroyed and the one with Andrea was missing alongside them. "I can't believe they did such a thing. I don't remember being this reckless when I was a teenager." Pacing back and forth in front of my husband I grumble curse words under my breath.

Klaus raised a glass of blood to his lips sitting on one of the barstools. "Raelyn love, this is not your fault. The girls are just going through a faze and need to grow out of it."

"But what if they never do, Nik. What if they just keep breaking the rules and we can't do anything to stop them." Turning around to face him I sighed, slumping my shoulders in defeat. "We are the most powerful creatures on the planet. A hybrid and a heretic. We have never been powerless and yet I feel like we are at this moment."

Klaus sat his glass down getting up from his chair slowly wrapping his arms around me in a comfortable hug. Wrapping my arms around him I buried my face into his shirt. He kisses my hairline holding me close against his chest. "Sssh Rae. We will not let them get into more trouble I swear to you."

"But now they have my brother...Hayley ... .and Andrea who is still asleep and helpless against whoever took them. I'm terrified and I need to spill blood...I want to tear the world apart to find whoever did this!" Pulling my head back I bared my teeth while letting tears slip, holding onto his shoulder blades tightly.

Klaus raised one of his hands up to the side of my face where I leaned into his palm. "And we will do just that. I say we use all the factions in this town to our disposal. Surely someone will find them and if they refuse to help...then you and I shall paint the city red with blood like the king and queen we are." He intertwined my left hand in his free one raising it to his lips kissing the golden wedding ring smirking.

Klaus and I made it our mission to talk with the three supernatural factions of the city not believing any of them to be innocent currently at the moment. We stopped and dragged Vincent over for a private chat. "Hope, Alina and Missy hid their cousin and her parents with a cloaking spell. Someone found her. That requires a witch." Klaus snapped at him sternly.

But he denied that they had done anything. "So that means it was one of mine? I don't think so."

Klaus clicked his tongue. "You witches always plead virtue, but if history's to be prologue, you're the most rotten of the bunch."

"As soon as Freya told me that they had gone missing, there were a dozen of us witches out there on them streets performing locator spells, trying to find her. Because little Andrea is actually a friend to us, okay? Hayley, her mother, unlike you, has earned our respect. And out of respect to her, I'm only gonna say this to you one time, Klaus: we had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. I promise you that." Vincent snapped back at him.

My husband shook his head not liking the answer. "A witch's promise is as slippery as snake oil and as effective. You want peace and prosperity? Prove your innocence and find her."

A few hours later we left the city and headed to the bayou hoping to find the answer with the Crescent wolves I'd turned. "Why would the werewolves take down their own Alpha?" Lisina asked, offended.

Klaus shrugged his shoulders pointing his finger around at the area of the bayou. "That's a valid question. Perhaps one of your fellow swampmates can shed some light."

Another wolf that was with Lisina said back. "We are the victims here. A bloodsucker killed Henry just for being a hybrid."

"No, you wolves saw the boy as an abomination, as well. Who's to say the same disgust didn't extend to Hayley? A guilty wolf could just point fingers at vampires to cover their tracks. If you didn't take her, I suggest you find out who did." Klaus tilled his head snapping back at them.

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