Date with an Original Hybrid

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"Mom, what happened?" Jacob ran outside the car when we pulled up to a large house that belonged to our Uncle Joshua. 

Our mother Eliza came down the staircase of the house almost sobbing in tears. She ran forward embracing my brother and I in her arms crying. "Oh my babies!" 

"Mom, what happened?" My twin brother asked again seeing that she didn't answer him earlier. 

She shakes her head when I peaked over her shoulders seeing that my cousin Josette was stumbling from the woods and towards the porch. But I jumped to my feet noticing blood on her shirt in her lower stomach. "Jo, what happened to you!" 

"Rae, it's alright. It's just…I…" My cousin paused taking my hands in hers once I had reached her. "Huh…my twin brother stabbed me with a hunting knife. But he's gone now." 

Squeezing her hands in mine I began to tug her towards the house figuring that she couldn't enter that house again. "Do you want me to come with you so you can change out of the bloody clothes?" 

"If you don't mind." She muttered glancing in the direction of my mother who was still hugging my brother clearly distrat over whatever had happened while she was in the woods with her brother and the rest of our supposed Coven. 

Clutching her hand in mine both of us walked up the stairs where she creaked open the front door first. I gasped covering my mouth with the smell of blood filled my nose. Slowly entering the house I could see marks across the walls. One bed was flipped over and I could see a blood stain on the wooden floor. "I did what I had too. So I could protect my siblings with magic. But I can't stay in this house anymore." 

"I wouldn't blame you, Jo. Now you're free from someone trying to kill you." I responded squeezing her hand tightly in mine hoping that I wouldn't have to smell fresh blood or nearly run from death myself

Moaning in slight pain I felt the soft material underneath my body. Blinking my eyes I held myself up on my elbow immediately yanking back the covers that were on me thinking that I was still bleeding from where Mikael stabbed me last night. Yet I find the exact opposite lifting up a green tea shirt that was on me I found that there wasn't even a scar at all. "I know I didn't dream being stabbed or passing out so how am I healed without blood?" 

"Because I healed you quickly before you completely passed out." Whipping my head up I yanked the shirt down seeing Klaus walking in through the doorway, hands behind his back until he standing in front of me. "I'm glad to see it worked in time though. I wasn’t sure if you had gotten enough or not." 

Pushing my hair out of my eyes I slumped my shoulders tossing the remainder of the covers off of me. Swinging my legs over the side I tried to stand but I stumbled backwards flopping down on the bed. "I think I'm okay. So what happened after I passed out?" 

"You told me you wanted to go on a date with me. I also watched my bastard father burn meaning that I am to be rid of him. All the other details aren't something you need to know." He responded simply moving to stand by the window looking down at the street. 

Shifting around in the bed to watch him. Last night surprised me when I saw him raise his tone towards his father. Even though later he shed some tears when I was stabbed right in front of him. "Well you did ask if I would go on a date with you. What exactly would a date with an original hybrid detail?" 

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