Sweet Vampire-Witch

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Strolling down the streets of the town with my hand intertwined with Klaus's I felt like everything was going in the somewhat right direction for us. We were both immortal now and I was carrying his child, correcting three children. I hadn't done anything more than put a daylight ring on my finger seeing that he had managed to find where Tyler had dropped my ring. "You've declared that you wish for little Lockwood to suffer. Any suggestions or can I make some hmm?"

"You've had a thousand years of practice. But I'm the one he killed me so I want to do this. I was thinking something with making her lose her mind or you messing with Tyler since you can compel other vampires." Swinging our intertwined hands I smirked at him.

He tilted his head at me cheeky grin on his face until we stopped outside the Grill. "Splendid idea. Now are you hungry I think it's time we have a proper drink together."

"I can't have alcohol, Nik. It's not good for them." I warned him until he raised a brow smirking at me.

"That's not the type I am talking about, Raelyn." He led me into one of the booths where I felt my fangs wanting to come out almost instantly by how many humans were around here. "Now I assume Caroline will want to teach you. But I say well if you are going to learn you should learn from the best. So you see the brunette over there by herself. Compel her to follow you then meet me in the back alley for the next lesson."

"How do I know if I am doing it right?" I asked not sure how to start.

He reached across the table grabbing my hand before leaving the restaurant to watch from afar. "Believe what you are saying and you'll be fine. You must do it yourself to learn in this new game of survival. If something goes wrong I'll be shot in ear shot."

Slowly walking up to the girl she downed a shot jumping when I was standing behind her when she got up from her chair. "Rough day I take it?"

"Yeah my boyfriend dumped me." She grumbled through some annoyed tears.

Resting my hands on the table I bent down closer to her face focusing on what I was telling her like he told me to. "Awe. How about you and I go into the back ally and talk about it. But you won't turn me down. You want to come with me no questions asked."

"I'll go with you." She said in a slow manner meaning I had done it right where she followed me outside to where we met up with my boyfriend.

He was leaned up against the brick wall smiling at me and the girl I compelled. "Good job. Now listen to the heartbeat. It will tell you when to stop." Nodding my head my fangs came out before I bit into the girl's neck moaning when the blood entered my mouth. The taste used to be bitter but now it was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted.

The girl's heartbeat began to slow down to which I ignored. "Rae. Rae, let go." He called my name thinking I would pull back but my fingers gripped her shoulders feeling her body almost collapse onto the ground until he yanked me backwards by my jacket putting himself in between the bleeding girl and I. "Raelyn!"

"What the heck, Klaus. You have shown me this is what we do. We hunt, we feed, we kill. Now give me the blood. I need more!" I vamped forward but he shoved me against the other wall across from us trapping me in between him.

He had his hands on either side of my head where our breaths could mix together as one with his eyes glaring down at me. "Yes that's true, Rae. But you have to learn control."

"Oh, do I. Because I've seen you kill people without blinking. So why should I have to be in control....when all I can desire is the hunger. The taste that I never imagined I would enjoy so much." Shoving my hands against his chest I twisted his arm managing to get under his arm vamping back to the girl sinking my fangs into her neck hearing her heart barely beating.

✅️ Gemini RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now