Calling Us Home

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Walking through the streets of Mystic Falls it was just me and the girls with me. Damon and Stefan needed Klaus's help with something that involved some sort of stone. Since Lily has brought her lover back from hell I'm told. Heading up to the ice cream shop I halted in my tracks seeing one of the Heretics looking at the menu board. "Uh girls, how about we go somewhere else.."

"But I want ice cream!" Hope tugged my arm when I attempted to tug them backwards.

Missy begged me. "Please mommy."

"You promised that if we were really good while you and dad went to visit Jo's husband." Alina said back, making me roll my eyes.

Taking a few more steps we were at the order menu with me standing beside the heretic girl. She turned her head, noticing us beside her. "Do you have any good recommendations on this tiny establishment?"

"It's ice cream. I don't think there are any bad options." Dropping down on a knee to be level with our daughters. "Okay so what do you all want?"

Missy raised her hand like in school. "Strawberry."

Hope went after her. "Rocky road."

Leaving Alina last. "Cookies n cream!"

"Okay. That will be all for us sir." Handing the worker the money I eyed the heretic who was just staring at me. "Sorry I don't mean to be rude. But can I help you?"

The brunette heretic nodded, ordering a chocolate ice cream cone. "So I hear you're a witch from what Valerie has told us."

"Actually I'm like you, Incendia." Holding up my freehand some fire came out and died away. I smiled, licking my cookie dough cone.

The woman nodded, taking a bite out of her cone covering her mouth with her hand gasping. "Oh my, that's colder than I thought. But it's very good."

"If you want rather good human food I suggest the Mystic Grill. Let's go girls." I turned on my heels about to leave until she called out to us.

"I'm Nora. What are your and your daughter's names?" She asked me.

Glancing over my shoulder I sent her a small smile pointing towards my girls when I introduced them. "I'm Raelyn Mikaelson. My oldest daughter here is Hope. Then this is Alina and finally Melissa but we mostly just call her Missy."

"Well they're adorable." She sighed, dropping her smile at the ground. "At least you have a family to experience this world together with unlike me."

Missy licked her cone, feeling her sadness. "Where is your family at?"

Nora sniffed away tears. "My girlfriend Mary Louise isn't exactly open to trying out this new world together with me. I have been forced to endure it alone."

"That's sad." Hope replied back.

Alina reached for my hand grasping it lightly when I sent the heretic a smile. "In my experience if your partner wants to be with you. Then they will do whatever they have to make you happy. But you shouldn't have to wait alone. So if you are open to it I can be your friend."

"What do you want out of it?" Nora asked.

Shaking my head I could feel someone watching us. "Nothing. I just know what it's like to be scared and need a friend ... .I'd suggest showing yourself before I make you!"

"She's a fiery little bitch isn't she." Whipping my head around I watched the blonde heretic walking towards us with a scowl on her face.

Nora sent her an annoyed look. "What are you doing here, Mary Lou?"

"I want you to come home. I miss you." She told her back.

Nora rolled her eyes taking more bites out of her ice cream cone. "Well I don't want to come home with you and stay in the house. All because you are too afraid to embrace the new world. Even if it has annoying things. It's better than being in that prison world."

"What are you all staring at. This is a private conversation!" Mary Louise snapped showing her fangs to me.

Throwing away the cone I pushed my daughters in the opposite direction looking back at the couple only one more time. We finally made it back to the mansion and I opened the door seeing Klaus was waiting on the couch. "Raelyn, we need to talk alone. Girls, can you go to your rooms please for a little while."

"Okay daddy." Alina slumped her shoulders with the other two following her footsteps.

Walking over to the couch I plopped down beside him shifting my gaze towards my husband. "So what exactly do we need to talk about, Nik?"

"We need to leave Mystic Falls." He said taking a drink of bourbon from the glass he was holding.

"What why?" I questioned him.

He shifted so we were facing each other sitting his glass on the table. His gaze focused on mine. "Apparently the heretics that we helped release are in possession of a stone I recognized from my thousand years. It's called a phoenix stone that brought back one of the heretic souls that were trapped inside of it."

Putting my hands together in my lap I tilted my head to the side. "Okay so why exactly do we need to run back to New Orleans?"

"Because the stone belongs to a sword that belongs to a hunter. A hunter that wants to kill anyone who stops her from getting her marked kill." He explained raising his hands and I could tell that he was slightly beginning to panic. "If she makes you with her sword she can find anyone of us and she won't stop-"

Holding my hands up I cut him off not liking that he was panicking. "Nik, slow down. I get that barely anything scares you. But why exactly are you afraid of this supposed hunter? I mean clearly she's not here."

"One of the heretics is marked, Raelyn." He blurted out gently, grabbing my shoulders. "His name is Julian and he was the one they just released from the hell stone. Meaning that the huntress will come here to kill him."

Moving my hands onto his forearms I gained his attention seeing that he was letting some tears out in fear. "Klaus, stop worrying. We don't have to run like you did from Mikael for a thousand years. We were separated for six years by Marcel but I won't run anymore."


He simply said my name before my phone started ringing so I took it out of my pocket seeing I was my brother. "J, hey. What's going on?"

"Raelyn, we need you and Klaus to come back here. Something is happening with Andrea." He was frantically talking through the phone.

Shaking my head I needed him to calm down. "Woah Jacob. Slow down. Just tell me what is going on there."

"So know that thing we called the Hollow. Well apparently Andrea has been seeing a blue light calling out to her. It gives her nightmares and I don't know what to do. We...I need your help." My twin's voice broke when he finished his sentence telling me he was terrified for his daughter.

Hanging up the phone Klaus lifted his gaze upward to me since I jumped to my feet. "What's going on, love?"

"We're going to New Orleans. My brother called for our help." Stomping up the stairs I didn't know that Klaus was smirking as I walked away with headstrong determination.

He mumbled to himself proudly. "She truly is a Queen."

Comments really appreciated ❤️ Melvia-ito

Author ask - please send anything you'd like to se next because I am not sure what to write besides the show storyline at the moment

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