Three Words Longed For

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Warning - mature content in this chapter. 18 +, don't read if you are not comfortable

Dragonixfrye - thank you for helping write this chapter. Please go check out her books on Wattpad.

Blinking my eyes opened I immediately screamed bolting from the bed throwing around everything I could with my magic. The glass of the window shattered against my hands and I broke every light in the room. "I'm gonna kill him....I don't care if it kills me. Agrrrh!"

Someone vamped into the room where I shot my hand forward seeing Bex grabbing her head wincing at me. "Rae!"

"Bex, I...I'm sorry." I quickly dropped my arm not meaning to hurt her. Clutching my hands into fists immediately crying knowing that I will never hear him say name ever again.

She reached up with her hand squeezing my shoulder, holding in tears herself. "Raelyn, I'm sorry for not letting you kill the history teacher when you had the chance....especially since he got killed anyway when Elena went over the bride and died. It should have been you to take him down."

"It wouldn't bring him back though. He will still be dead regardless of what I do. But I don't understand why I'm not dead myself..." I throw my hands up sniffing tears walking away from her and picking up the drawing of Jacob.

"What are you talking about?" The blonde asks confused.

Turning to face her I held out my left hand with the ring on it. "I performed a link spell and connected my life to your brother. So that I didn't have to bother worrying about me dying and killing my whole Coven. But I should be dead right. Or maybe my mother tricked me into thinking that we were linked but really we weren't at all."

"Hey, we will figure this out together. You and I will leave this town and find another witch to give us the answer." She takes my other hand in hers, spinning the ring on my finger with her thumb. "I hate to say this but he would want you to move on and live your life."

Bex and I headed downstairs to begin packing until she noticed his drawing before suddenly throwing all of them and other things on the floor, angrily when Damon arrived. "You should know better than to sneak up on a lady."

Damon joked at her. "Good advice. Have you seen one?"

Rebekah turns to face him. "Tragic about Elena. Not to make the gray cloud grayer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" She turns her back on him and he rushes over her with a stake. She stops him and catches his arm then twists his wrist so he releases the stake.

Grabbing his wrist that she was holding he winced when I got up in his face. "How the hell are you still alive, jackass!"

"Uh...apparently I wasn't a part of his sire line." He moaned until I heard something shoot through the window where he broke away from us. Suddenly Rebekah is shot through the window and I ducked down quickly dodging a bullet only for a dart to get launched into my back where I collapsed onto the floor with her.

The next time I opened my eyes we were in a moving truck where I saw Caroline and Rebekah tied up across from me. Rebekah looks at her restraint. "Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all to the council." Caroline responded to her.

"They won't hold us for long, Dissero." I attempted to do a spell but nothing happened meaning that my connection to siphon Klaus's strength even when he wasn't with me was gone.

Rebekah scoffed. "The council... What exactly do they think they can do to me?" Suddenly, the truck is hit by something. The truck rolls over various times and finally stops with them on their backs and my legs are dangling.

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