A Hybrids Offer

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"Rebekah, I don't really see why I need a dress. I don't know anyone at the dance." I told the original blonde when she laid out a very expensive dress that looked to be from an old family.

She flipped her hair out of her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. "Come on, R. It's the school prom and I know that you will have fun. I have been dying to go even though I don't have a date. But don't worry I will find you a good guy."

"Bex, what makes you think that I even want to go to the dance?" I slumped my shoulders, eying her while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Caroline and her had been arguing over the theme for the dance. Both of them insisted that they were in charge of the planning. It actually made me laugh at how similar they could be at times and they wouldn't admit it. She stomped up to me grabbing my hands so I would look her in the eye. "Please Raelyn. You can't stay cooped up in this house all the time. I know you are afraid of losing control but you deserve a night of fun."

"Or I'll embarrass myself since I can't dance or anything." I glared at her, dropping the teasing smirk on my face. My mother had us living in the countryside so she couldn't be found very easily by her family. Jacob and I didn't bother with school dances until we were teenagers. But I didn't really see the point in getting a boyfriend...until now apparently.

Rebekah plopped down beside me on the bed making me meet her gaze. She just stared at me silently for a few minutes before asking her next question. "So wait, you've never had a boyfriend at all?"

"Nope...I haven't had any of the firsts." I mumbled under my breath playing with my fingers in my lap.

She places her hand over mine in my lap. "I'm sorry. Now I feel like you should just experience it. Whether you have a date or not. I have experienced a lot of things in my life, at least the parts of it where my brother didn't put me in a box."

"Thanks but I don't know. I literally don't even know how to dance, Bex-" I cut myself off short when someone vamped sped into our bedroom where I lifted my head up seeing her brother leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest lightly smiling our direction.

He sends me a bright smile eyeing me directly. "I could teach you how to dance, love."

"That's brilliant, Nik!" Rebekah jumped up squealing like a child.

I felt my face turning red at the thought. For some reason that I can only assume because he is madly attractive. Because I started to picture him in a suit and tie spinning me around the room. "Oh you really don't have to do that. I wouldn't want to put you out or anything-" I stuttered rubbing my hands down my arms.

"You wouldn't be putting me out of anything, Raelyn." He fought back immediately, walking forward. He extended his right hand down to me. "Shall we, my lady?"

Shifting my gaze from his open palm to his bright blues I lifted my hand up intertwining our fingers together. "If you say so...Nik." He pulled me up to my feet and slowly led me outside of the bedroom. We went downstairs until we ended up in the middle of an open ballroom type looking room.

"So we intertwine our hands together like this..." He began by intertwining my right hand with his left. Then he moved his other hand onto my waist tugging me up against his chest.

Sucking in a breath my eyes locked onto his orbs. My face turned even redder now that we were pressed up like this to one another. "So...uh what next?"

"You put your other hand on my shoulder then just follow my feet." He adds on nodding down to my freehand hanging down at my side. Biting my lip he started leading the dance slowly twirling me around where I shifted my gaze down to our feet. He was moving at a slow pace until he attempted to spin me out and back into his chest.

He winced lightly when I instantly apologized repeatedly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Calm down, Rae. I'm immortal. I can handle you stepping on my toes if it helps you learn." Klaus gives me soft doe eyes tilting my chin up so I would look him in the eye. He wipes his thumb over the side of my cheek cradling it softly in his palm.

Grasping my hand around his wrist with the hand on my face I felt some tears croaking lightly. "My brother called me that..."

"I didn't intend to overstep, love. I am sorry-" He started to apologize until I pushed away, holding my hands up in surrender, wiping away some that had fallen down my cheeks.

"You don't have to apologize. It just caught me off guard is all. I...I actually prefer the way you say my name." I began to ramble off all my thoughts that was something my brother would do when he was embarrassed or caught off by something someone had said to him. "My brother would tease me when I was younger that I always blushed when I heard someone talk to me in a British accent - oh geez why did I just say that. I didn't mean to say that, let's start dance practice again."

Klaus flipped his hands where I placed my hands in his bigger one. Moving my hands around like he had instructed me earlier I tried to lead the dance until he suggested a different move. "Can I try to spin and dip you like earlier?"

"Sure." I gave him a head nod yes squeezing his hand intertwined with mine. Klaus slowly had us dance around in a circle for a few minutes then he twirled me out of his chest, throwing my hair around and twirling me back into his embrace. "Woah...you aren't too bad at this."

He smirked slowly, bending me down when I embraced his chest where I gripped his black jacket just in case I would fall but I doubt he would let that happen to me. "I've had a thousand years of practice, Raelyn. But you will learn to get better in time."

"Awe thanks, Klaus - Jacob?" I blinked my eyes when he lifted me back up where I felt my body turn cold. Standing behind Klaus it seemed like I could see a figment of my dead twin brother.

The figure smiled, eyeing the original hybrid. "So I was right about you liking guys with British accents."

"Raelyn, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Pulling away from Klaus's embrace I shook my head when he called out my name seeing that I was clearly shaken by something.

"Oh yeah. You just took me by surprise with your dance skills I guess. I'm hungry, we should get some food." I threw my hair over my shoulder spinning on my feet exiting the room. He nodded following behind me grabbing some money even though he could use whatever vampire powers to get what he wanted from other people.

The figure of Jacob flashed in front of me when I reached for the door handle teasing. "Don't have too much fun, Rae." Rubbing my eyes for a second I did my best to shake the fact that I was losing my mind and seeing my brother. There was no way that he was here. Maybe I was becoming paranoid over being on the run from my family.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

Question readers  - How should Raelyn act to Elena????

I have read quite a few books where the oc doesn't like her or isn't her friend anymore when she gets with Klaus, your thoughts on this please because I can't decide

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