The Mikaelson Ball

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(Raelyn's dress at the end of the chapter)

Caroline and I with our arms linked together with one another, walked up to the Mikaelson's mansion. She was wearing some heels but I kept my boots on since you could see them with the front of the dress being see through it part of the front. There was music blaring when we came through the door and from the looks of it the whole town was invited. "I'm going to find Matt. I'll see you later." She squeezes my arm leaving me on my own.

Scanning my eyes across the crowd I couldn't find anyone I really recognized but I paused feeling someone staring daggers into the back of my head making me slightly turn around finally seeing it was Klaus. "Klaus.....woah. You clean up rather well." He was in a black tux but he had a white bow tie that went well with the white shirt underneath his jacket.

"Raelyn, you look stunning in that dress. I must say your designer must have good taste." He shook his head almost frozen in place by the girl in front of him. I had actually curled the ends of my hair and tied two strands of my hair back in a clip. Paired with my brother's necklace as always.

Leaning up on my toes I smiled up at the hybrid who was taller than me. "Oh I'll be sure to let him know...excuse me sir are you perhaps Nik Mikaelson I must tell him what a splendid job he did on this dress." I mocked pretending to search around for Klaus even though he was standing right in front of me.

"You're so silly sometimes, Rae. I don't think I've ever laughed this much with anyone else." He chuckled, bending his head down to me smiling.

Placing my hands together in front of me, sending him the same expression back. "I can say the same about you, Nik. After what happened to my brother I - I didn't think I could have fun anymore."

"I'd do anything to keep you happy, Ms. Lane." He responded simply lifting his gaze up towards the long winding staircase where his gaze locked with his mother who was watching us and wearing a black cocktail dress from the looks of it. "If you're still worried about her, why don't you just go talk with her?"

"Oh hell no. I can't possibly do that." I made a noise in disgust at his proposal.

He responded. "She might like you."

"Or she might want me dead like the Bennett witches did. A witch without their own magic is basically against nature." I cut him off quickly.

He stepped closer where I could feel his hot breath mixing with mine. "A vampire is also against nature, Raelyn."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean..." I didn't really know what to say back.

Klaus whispered, sending me a cheeky smile. "Aren't we the perfect pair then? Uh Raelyn I have to join my mother. I'll find you shortly." He maneuvered through the crowd of people now standing on the staircase with his mother and siblings.

Elijah declared to everyone in the room. "Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

I moved through the crowd of people accidentally stumbling over someone's dress where we both tumbled to the wooden floor. "Oops sorry I'm sorry." I immediately apologize for getting to my feet and helping the girl up.

"It's fine, it was an accident. I'm Elena...and you're the new siphon witch in town the Salvatore's are afraid of." She knitted her brows together for me to notice she had dark brown hair and brown eyes. "But they won't really tell me why."

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