Finding the Cure

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Pressing my back against the window, my hair falling in front of my face. Caroline had been healed and Tyler had come and got her earlier this morning. Kicking my boot against the wooden floor I could feel Nik's eyes fixed on me. "I'll take your stare to mean that you are ready to apologize for biting Caroline."

"Raelyn, I healed her isn't that enough of an apology. You said it yourself that he deserves to be hurt." He fought back, shoving his hands in the pocket of his black jacket.

Glaring at him I finally met his blue gaze remaining slight for a few minutes. "Yes I did. But I only hurt members in his family. Not his girlfriend who shouldn't be punished for simply dating him. Cause I am pretty sure things would be the same if someone came after me."

"I wouldn't let anyone touch you. I would tear anyone who lays a hand on you." He growled at me, stepping towards me. "Which is the same thing that I would do to ensure our children are safely protected."

Lifting my head upwards so I was looking in his eyes I closed the gap between us where our chests pressed up against one another. He tilted his head to the side slightly, never removing his eyes from mine. "And I appreciate that devotion. But I want to hear you say you regret doing it."

"Fine, Rae. I'm sorry for hurting Caroline." He whispered, reaching forward and resting a hand to my cheek before we heard footsteps coming inside the Gilbert house.

Glancing over his shoulder I saw it was my brother who was carrying in what I recognized as Esther's book of magic in his hands. "I might have found out why we can't break the barrier spell holding you two in here. Bonnie must have got some of our mother's blood before she died during the spell to bring me back.."

"Wait, that means she used blood magic. I thought only people with that type of blood could break those spells. So how the hell did she use it against us?" I asked, knowing that magic used by someone who shared blows should be able to snap it. And anyone who didn't share the blood couldn't do anything.

Jacob sat down with the book turning it in my direction so I could read it while he pointed to the writing. "It looks like she linked Klaus to the moon and she linked the Gilbert house with a barrier spell by our mother's blood. That is why we can't break it, so you two are still stuck in here until she comes back."

The front door opens again where the three of us saw Tyler and Caroline. Tyler drew out a sword from a holder showing the hybrid. "Found this in your attic."

Klaus asked sitting down on the coffee table that we could reach, leaving the others to sit down on the couch. "And you think finding the sword brings you closer to the cure?"

Tyler revealed some symbols on top of the sword. "You tell me. I was playing around with the handle on the ride over... And I found this."

Klaus teased him. "And what do you think this is?"

"It's called a cryptex. I've seen "The Da Vinci Code." You turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other side. And, with the magic of the Internet, Elena sent over these." She shows him the pictures of Jeremy's tattoo. "So now all we have to do is cryptex away. If you happened to want to help, we wouldn't stop you."

"Right. Well, might I suggest using the magic of the Internet to purchase an Aramaic-to-English dictionary from your nearest retailer?" Klaus smiled at them seeing that Jacob and I both sent him a confused look.

Tyler asked. "What's Aramaic?"

Caroline answered his question sitting on the couch in front of the computer. "It's a dead language. It hasn't been used since, like, biblical times."

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