Impatient Witches

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Klaus and I were now standing beside each other with the Harvest witch standing in front of us. Tim was sitting behind the three of us counting as he was compelled to do. Looping my fingers in the belt loop of my jeans I just watched my boyfriend stalk the witch. "I assume you know who I am. Then, let's get right to it, shall we? Your current dilemma strikes me as a case of poor alliances. You're loyal to Marcel and yet he keeps you tucked away in an attic. Surely you prefer just a little bit more freedom. And yet Marcel keeps you prisoner."

Davina responded back sternly. "Marcel doesn't keep me prisoner, he keeps me safe. He's my friend."

"Yeah but it seems odd that your friend isn't helping you escape from the witches. Wouldn't he care about your safety and get you out of the city. Not keep you locked away in a church." I pointed out to her crossing my arms over my chest worrying about how far she really trusted her so-called vampire friend.

The Harvest witch stepped towards me slowly but still kept her distance from Nik. "I trust Marcel. But you seem nice. I just want to wait until the witches lose their powers."

"Well, I've no doubt he is. For a girl caught in a war between witches and vampires, I might be a better friend. I would keep you safe. And I'd allow you your freedom. If Marcel could do that, why hasn't he done so already? And it does beg the question: If Marcel can't protect you, then what of those you care about?" He gestures to Tim, who is sitting in the last pew.

Davina threatened him. "If anyone tries to hurt anyone I care about, I'll kill them."

"Well, then. Sounds like you don't need Marcel at all. Perhaps you've suspected it all along. Your dear friend Marcel tricks you into doing his bidding. And all the while you rot in an attic, alone, while young Timothy moves on with his life." Nik shrugged his shoulders walking up to her where they were almost pressed chest to chest with one another.

Davina stares intently at Klaus, angry. "You feel that? That's your blood starting to boil." Klaus groans as we hear the hiss of his blood boiling with sweat starting to drip from his forehead.

He composes himself and vamp-runs to Tim and puts him in a headlock. "Such a shame to lose him, just as you found him again. And I really did admire your skill with that violin."

"Nik!" I gasped getting in a fighting stance not expecting him to kill the boy. But he would if she didn't agree to his terms. He was always certain on his threats that much was for sure. "If you hurt the boy I'll hurt you. He's human and not everyone can be handled through violence!"

He shifted his blue eyes on me still holding the boy in a headlock. "Raelyn, sweetheart stay out of this. She is putting a rather halt on my plans at the moment. So I need to get her on my side."

Davina raised her voice. "Don't you dare hurt him!"

"Oh, I hope I won't have to, sweetheart. But, then, that depends on you." He tightened his hold on the human boy with the veins appearing underneath his eyes.

"Let him go now, Nik!" I raised my voice raising my hand to stop him but the girl got to him first.

"You should know, I don't do well with demands." Klaus threatens her before she thrusts her open hand out and twists it, using her magic to break the bones in his leg.

Unfortunately, it takes only a moment for Klaus to reset his bones and heal. "Impressive. But you don't want to fight me, love. Innocent people have a way of ending up dead."

Tim whispers to my boyfriend. "Please, let me go."

"Nik, that's enough!" I vamped forward until my head started hurting where I grabbed it groaning in pain dropping to my knees for an unknown reason. Since I didn't know who or what was causing this. The pain shifted down to my stomach where I gasped feeling my water break between my legs. "No, no, it's too soon. Urgh Nik.. Something's wrong!"

"Your choice, little witch. Swear allegiance to me alone and the boy lives. Stand against me–" He cut himself short focusing on the witch girl when the candles behind Davina flare as Davina gets angrier. After a moment, she thrusts both hands in front of her and shrieks. Her magic causes paper and books to be blown around by wind, and all the windows in the church shatter. The glass shards fly backwards, and Klaus and Tim are forcibly blown backwards toward the entrance.

Davina shortly woke up afterwards where she rushed over to me seeing that I was on the ground moaning in agony. She grabbed a hold of my shoulders. "Raelyn, what's wrong. I'm sorry if I did anything."

"It's not you, Davina. Ohh...My water broke I think. Ahh..." I bared my teeth down before something snapped my neck and my boys disappeared before the young witches eyes.

Blinking my eyes a few times I sat up seeing that I was in a very dark area. There were a few bodies that looked to be vampires because their entire bodies were covered in veins meaning that they were desiccating. "What the hell is this place?"

"This is my prison world. Now might I ask who exactly you are?" Whipping my head around, throwing my hair around in front of my eyes. I came face to face with a woman who had raven black hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a white corset dress that looked to be something women wore long before my time.

Knitting my brows at the woman my hands gripped my stomach seeing that the babies were still inside me but that doesn't explain why exactly I am here. "I'm Raelyn Lane. I thought there was only one prison world. At least that I was aware of."

"My name is Lillian Salvatore. I am a vampire like you but it seems that you aren't just that. Congratulations on being pregnant. May I ask how?" She introduced herself, sticking her hand out to me where my eyes watched the dead vampires laying behind her.

Stepping away from her I didn't trust this woman. "Salvatore as in Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Sorry I don't know who the hell you think you are but I am not telling you anything." I raised my hand to snap her neck with magic.

"Ah, I understand now. You are like my friends here. The Gemini coven is brutal to the ones that don't fit into their standards. You are a heretic, Raelyn. Half witch and vampire." She declares to me looking at her supposed friends. "I do wish to know more about you. But you should know that you are not alone anymore."

Shifting my gaze away from hers I counted six total vampire's in this place with her. I wanted to feel relieved that I wasn't by myself but it wasn't right that I was somehow in a prison world shortly yet again. I shouldn't be here unless I was sent to her by someone else, yet I knew my uncle Joshua would never banish the new leader. "As much as I would love to continue this weird conversation I need to find my way out of here. Because I was going into labor before I came here and-" I gasped holding my stomach before everything went black again and I collapsed onto the floor.

Shooting my eyes open I was met with a girl that had orange hair who had two other witches holding me down. I attempted to move from laying down on a cold table but I winced sharply feeling vervain ropes tied to my wrists and ankles. "Who the hell are you. - argh what are you doing to me?"

"We can't wait to find Davina Claire. We need more power and the only way to get that is to sacrifice your children as an offering." The woman with orange hair declared.

"To be reborn we must sacrifice." One with curly black hair muttered back to me.

Jerking my head upright I frantically glanced around seeing that we were in the middle of a witch cemetery. I could feel my magic running through my veins when I tried to do the unlocking spell but the second that I did I only felt pain in my stomach. "Ahhh! I will kill all of you for hurting my babies!"

"No you won't. Neither will Klaus or Elijah." The third witch said back getting everything set up to where I would give birth soon whether or not I liked it.

My chest begins heaving up and down where I was panicking. Shutting my eyes I focused on one spell that worked for me and Klaus once before. "Dic mihi, hva du vet.....Dic mihi, hva du vet - Ah me!"

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