Safe For Now

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Olivia cried and screamed as Mariverde had her laying in a cradle.

"Shh. There now my little caterpillar." Mariverde cooed. "Mama's gonna raise you very well, yes I am."

But Olivia only cried louder. Mariverde sighed. It was probably the fact that she kept her hood over her head that scared the poor girl. Mariverde sighed.

"One of these days, I will have to clavatize a nanny to deal with you."

Suddenly, a silver light flashed not far from where Mariverde stood, and there were three Batchers, the Kryzes, and the horses!

"Hold it right there, Mariverde!" said Echo.

Mariverde was in complete shock when she saw other people in her lair besides herself and Olivia.

"How did you find this place?!" Mariverde demanded.

"That ain't important." Maybelle said. "Give us the baby!"

"Not happening. If you want her, then you must face my babies."

Mariverde spread her wings and summoned many butterflies and threatened to attack if they didn't back off right now. But Tech already thought ahead of that and had a recording of Myra's loudest guitar solo, which he played to scare off the butterflies while Korkie ran and grabbed Olivia from the cradle. Maybelle used a sound blocking spell to prevent the loud music from harming or scaring Olivia, and Indira got Korkie onto her back so she could get them back to Mandalore.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon continued to fight Maul together. This time, Obi-Wan did feel a great deal of PTSD, but he didn't need a spell cast on him to experience it. He could hear the sounds of lightsabers buzzing, a younger Obi-Wan crying in agony as he was forced to watch his master become impaled by Darth Maul. Thus time, however, he was determined to make sure he didn't leave Qui-Gon's side no matter what.

Qui-Gon stomped one foot and made the ground shake, hoping to throw Maul off, but Maul flipped over him and then raised his lightsaber, and struck Qui-Gon from behind.

"NO!" Obi-Wan screamed.

Except, Maul looked shocked.


Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon and saw him alive. He was flabbergasted. Maul tried striking again, and his lightsaber blade bounced right off of Qui-Gon.

"Impossible!" Maul said, but just before he could try again, Obi-Wan ignited his own lightsaber and impaled Maul right in his chest.

Maul collapsed to the ground, and this time, there was no sign of life in him whatsoever.

Obi-Wan couldn't believe what he'd just done! Maul was actually dead? Sure, he was armed and tried to kill someone, but that didn't lessen Obi-Wan's shock that he'd intentionally killed someone. Breathing heavily, he felt like he was going to collapse, until Qui-Gon pulled him into a hug. And that was when Obi-Wan noticed his chest felt kind of hard.

"Master? What are you...?"

Qui-Gon unwrapped his outer tunic to reveal he was wearing a breastplate of Zillo Beast scales underneath.

"You didn't think I would come unprepared, did you?" Qui-Gon smiled.

Obi-Wan hugged his master again, this time Qui-Gon hugging him back tightly.

"I... I didn't tell you what happened because... I was...I was afraid that..."

"I know, Obi-Wan. I was afraid as well. No days are without the chance of losing someone we love." Qui-Gon said. "But that doesn't mean we should ever face dangerous events alone."

"It wasn't just you I was afraid to lose." Obi-Wan said. "I feared that I would fail as a father if I couldn't save Olivia myself."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, listen to me. You have been like a son to me every since I met you, and even when I was raising my biological children from the sidelines, I learned an important lesson. Parenthood is never truly done alone, not even by single parents. If you truly want to be a good father to Olivia, what she needs from you is for you to set an example by knowing that asking for help and accepting help from the people who love you makes you that much stronger."

Savage was once again in custody, but this time they were going to find a more secure place for him.

For now, the Jedi thought it best they get home and make sure the kids were alright.

Unfortunately, Maul and Savage's attacks were not without some damages left. Windy Falls' cafeteria was badly damaged, the kids were traumatized, and when the Bad Batche got back, they had good news and bad news.

"The bad news..." said Tech. "Mariverde got away, and it is very likely that she will seek a new place to hide."

"And the good news?" said Qui-Gon.

Korkie walked up with a little bundle in his arms

"Olivia is safe now." Korkie said, Olivia crying.

Obi-Wan was so happy to see Olivia again, and he immediately took her into his arms. Satine was so relieved to see that their baby was okay too.

"Oh, Olivia." Obi-Wan smiled, tears in his eyes as he hugged and kissed his daughter. "It's okay now. Mommy and Daddy are here."

Olivia's crying eventually settled down as her father gently rocked her and both her parents gave her lots of kisses.

With Maul dead and Savage back in custody, hopefully it would mean the galaxy would be a little safer. But with Mariverde and so many escaped prisoners still on the loose, there was no telling what they could expect next.

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