Speedy Preparations

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Coming up very soon was a very important day. A coronation day. And not just any coronation. The coronation of Kara Jinn, the soon-to-be crown princess of Solaris, and the rightful heir to the throne after Qui-Gon, as she was the firstborn child.

Despite her birthday being months away, the royal family saw fit to give Kara her crown sooner than later. Kara was the last of Qui-Gon's children to be introduced, and pretty much the newest official addition after Omega came around.

Kara might not have gotten to let her nieces and nephews know she was their aunt when they were younger, but she inherited her father's defiance and kind heart and chose to make up for lost time with the children and her brothers.

Kara Tahl Jinn was a very skilled woman as both a Jedi and a princess. She was beautiful, high-spirited, and courageous too. Her magical power? Super speed. She could dash all around an entire planet within mere minutes. And getting chores done quickly was no problem for her.

As a child, whenever no one was looking, whenever she had chores to do, she would secretly practice using her super speed to get everything done so fast that everything around her was going in slow motion.

Under the old Jedi Code, after Qui-Gon's death, even after she found the note from her father explaining their relation, she didn't say anything to anyone else for three reasons.

1. To keep any other family members she didn't know about safe

2. The Code forbid her from seeking power or forming any attachments

3. She needed to figure out her powers on her own in order to honor her father's last wish.

And now, she was going to be officially made crown princess of Solaris. The first heir to the throne after her father, which placed Anakin, whom everyone originally thought was first in line seeing as he was the older twin by three minutes, second in line for the throne.

It was a lot of pressure now.

Kara had learned everything she could about being a princess since she was a child. Even though she didn't think she would become a princess, much less a queen someday, she decided it wouldn't hurt to learn how to behave like royalty.

Kara walked out of a store with her sister-in-law Padme and her three oldest nieces Omega, Gabby, and Lamenta, as well as the baby twins Luke and Leia as a couple of reporters came by, flashing a camera and having some questions.

Omega rubbed her eyes as the camera's flash had gotten into them.

"I think I've gone blind!" Omega said.

"Omega, don't be dramatic." Padme said. "Teenagers."

"Princess Kara," said a reporter. "Tell us how it feels that you are the true heir to the throne."

"Does your half-brother Anakin show any jealousy towards you for it?" asked another.

"Of course not." Kara said. "It does feel nice that my family believes in me to be queen someday, but I feel my brother would do just as good a job. Despite us growing up in separate homes, our coming together to finally be a family together is our true crown jewel."

"Have you given any thought to finding a suitor for your hand?" asked a reporter.

"What is this, the first century?" Gabby said. "Princesses don't always need a big strong man to rescue them. Trust me when I say, royal life is a lot harder than it looks in fairytales."

Kara got the kids to come along as it was time to head home.

"Princess Kara, one more question..." said a reporter.

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