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Loki hated having to play nice. He watched her as she laughed and chatted with the others, his sister. He envisioned what it would be like to make her scream and beg, as showed her a world of pain.

'Are you constipated? You look constipated..'... Loki took a deep breath, closing his eyes to calm himself. After a few seconds, he turns to look at the Widow, and gestured with his head to follow him. The two walk in silence to his room, and he allows her in, closing the door behind them.

'I can not pretend any longer Natasha. Each new day she is still alive and breathing, fuels my anger even more so..'.. Loki paces his room, as she sits on his bed.

Nat watched him as he walked about. She was surprised to see a whole new side of him, since he arrived back on earth. She knew it was down to Lia, that woman could do anything. She had taken a twisted broken soul, and made him into a better man. Nat couldn't deny, this whole good guy, protective thing, was kinda hot.

'You're not the only one, trust me. The baby shower is tomorrow, and if we stick to the plan, it will work. You're a good guy Lo, I know you want to hurt her, but we can't risk it, not yet. Just think, after tomorrow, it's all over..'.. Nat gave him a comforting smile, as he looked at her. She saw him visibly relax more, and he smiled back.

'Thank you Natasha, you have always been a voice of reason..'.. He nodded at her.

Nat chuckled, the god of mischief giving a compliment. He really was a different person... 'Please say that to Tony next time. I want to rub his face in it..'

Loki chuckled. It was amazing how different he felt around these people. Considering the first time they met, when he tried to take over their world. Now, they accepted him as one of their own.

'That is something I will definitely do...'.. He winked at her.

'Charm won't work on me mischief, but it's adorable that you try..'.. She smirked at him...'Now, how is Lia doing with her magic? Has she been able to do it?'

Loki sat in his chair, facing her... 'She has. It is not surprising my sister has a talent for obtaining new magic. The spells and magic she wields..'.. He shook his head.. 'There are some that not even I can cast. She is very powerful, Hydra will not know what will hit them..'

'Do you think this will put a strain on her?'... Nat asks, worried for her and the baby.

'My dear, the magic she holds, is rooted deep within her now, that she no longer exerts herself. I believe it is her love, for her family that fuels it, and her love for us all, is infinite..'.. Loki smiles proudly. Lia had found a way to sustain herself, by somehow binding her magic with her love for others. He only wished, that he could love as she did.

Nat smiled back at him warmly... 'Yeah, she's uh, she's very selfless. She makes me want to always do better..'

'It is good to know that I am not the only one who feels that way..'.. Loki watched Nat, wondering if he should tell her, what his sister has found. He knew how much it would mean to the woman.

'There is something..'.. He cleared his throat, sitting forward slightly... 'May I show you?'... He watches her frown, then nod at him. He moves from the chair to sit next to her on the bed... 'This will not hurt you, you will just see a memory of mine..'

Loki places his fingertips, either side on her temple, and lets his magic flow into her, showing her the memory. He smiled, seeing it play and heard Nat gasp. He withdrew from her mind, and focused hus eyes on her. He saw tears brimming in her eyes, as she stared at him.

'Sh-shes really going to do that? Can she do that?'... She asked him, hesitant to believe it could be true.

'My dear, you know her as well as I, when she sets her mind to something, nothing can stop her..'.. Loki patted her arm, and stood... 'She adores you Natasha, and only wants you to be happy...'... He smiled at her, and nodded... 'She is as much your sister, as she is mine. Once this is over, she will do it..'

Nat sat in shock over what she saw, and her eyes followed Loki as he left the room. She couldn't fight the tears any longer and she let them slip, feeling nothing but overwhelming love for Lia. She really was amazing. Nat smiled thinking of the memories she had shared with her friend, and began to silently laugh to herself.

It took a while for Nat to compose herself enough to return to the others, but she was even more determined than ever, to make sure their plan would work. Getting up, she knew who she had to speak to next, and left the room.


Lia sat, fighting the smug smile that was building up within her, as she sat across from the woman. She was thankful that her and Loki were shielding Tony, Nat and Clint from Wanda, as she was sure the little witch would give it away. She would speak with Wanda shortly, knowing the plan would start tonight.

'I'm so glad I've got you girls around me..'.. She smiled at the women as Nat and joined them. Lia read Nats mind, hearing that it was almost time... 'I love you all. You've been amazingly supportive..'.. She made sure to look at them all, and her gaze snagged on the woman, before turning to Pepper.

'I have something for Tony, that I want to give him tomorrow, so can you please help me to stop him making a fool of himself? I may be pregnant, but it won't stop me kicking his ass again..'... All the women chuckled at her.

'Its still weird that you two are twins...'.. The woman shook her head, smiling.

Lia spoke with Nat telepathically, then to the other woman who was now in on the plan. Lia looked over to the traitor and smiled, rubbing her belly... 'Its no surprise that I'm carrying two, huh?'

All three women, who knew of the plan, watched the traitors eyes go wide. Lia wasn't carrying twins, but she knew it was a crumb, they wanted to give. Seeing her reaction to it, she had slipped in her facade.

'Wow. Tw-twins? That's, that's amazing. Does anyone else know?'...

'No, just you ladies. But can you keep this between us?'... Lia asks, with a sincere smile.

'Of course. I won't tell anyone'...

Lia sipped her tea, as she watched the women continue to talk. Her eyes stopping on each one of them. Nat, Pepper, Wanda, Ellie, Helen, Maria, Sharon, Grace, Sarah and Sif.

Oh, little did the woman know, that tomorrow, would be her last day alive.


A/N... Not sure if I mentioned Grace yet, but Pietros girlfriend.

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