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Lia groaned, her head pounded as she shuffled, trying the get comfy. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, and already it was too bright. She stretched out, and felt something next to her feet.

'Morning trouble. How you feeling?'... She opened her eyes slightly, seeing Bucky sat at the end of the couch, grinning at her. He held a cup of coffee in his hands.

'Am I dead?'... Lia pushes herself to sit up, shuffling next to him, and taking the coffee from him.

He chuckled at her... 'Nope, but hungover. First one?'

She glared at him over the cup... 'This is a hangover? I've never had one, no matter how much I drink'

'That would be the asgardian ale Thor has. Its pretty strong stuff. Me and Steve add a few drops to our drinks to get a little buzz'... He saw her scowl, as she drank the whole cup in seconds. She handed it back to her, dropping her head to his shoulder.

'Not one of you thought to warn me? My mouth is drier than  a 50 year old nun'... She groaned in pain, covering her face... 'I need something to get rid of this headache'

Lia felt a dull ache on her hip. She pulled herself to stand up, and pulled her trousers down a bit. She was shocked to find a tattoo on her hip. Her eyes went wide, looking at Bucky... 'What the fuck happened last night?'

'I'd like to know too. Why have I got a tattoo?'... Lia turns seeing Nat look a little worse for wear, trudge into the room with Bruce... 'Last thing I remember, was getting some pizza from a truck'... She ambles over, dropping to the other couch, putting her head back. Bruce sat next to her, not saying a word.

Clint comes in just after, seeing the state on them. He laughs, and heads into the kitchen to make coffee.

'Barton, I will give you a $1000 to make me a coffee right now'... Lia looks back down at her tattoo, seeing a red heart there. She turns to Nat... 'What tattoo have you got?'

'Yellow heart on my hip'... She sighed out. Nat couldn't believe she even got one. She rolls her head forward, looking around at those present.... 'Can someone please tell us what happened?'

Clint brings Lia a coffee, and also hands one to Nat and Bruce... 'Well, after you girls kissed last night. We had a few more drinks at the bar, played a few games of pool, got food. Then you two..'.. He gestures between Nat and Lia... 'Decided you wanted tattoos. After that, we came back here'

'Thank fuck for that!'... Lia sighed in relief... 'I didn't sleep with any of you, did I?'

'For their sake, I hope not'... Tony says, walking into the room. He looks, seeing who was there... 'Where's Cap, Wilson and Thor?'... He heads to make himself a coffee.

'Steve went for a run, Sam is probably still hugging the toilet and I haven't see Thor since last night'... Bucky says, smirking.

They all make small talk for a few minutes, when they hear the elevator open. Lia looks over, and starts laughing. Thor was face down on the floor, dragging himself out of the elevator.

'You dead sparkles?'... She calls as she walks over to her.

'Mphgn'... Was all she got out of him. She reached down, and pulled him to his feet in one swift move. He rocked slightly, trying to get his balance... 'Lady Lia, I have never known a mortal to consume so much. One would think you asgardian'... He rubs his hands over his face, stumbling to the kitchen.

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