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Once Lia had cleaned Clints wound and dressed it, she turned to Thor and removed her comm... 'Need help getting this back on..'.. She said quietly, gesturing to her suit. She saw Thor was hesitant and was trying not to look, but he assisted her carefully.

It wasn't long after, that the others arrived back on the jet, with the scepter. She saw the relief in Tony's face, when his eyes fell on her... 'You hurt?'... He asked, putting the scepter down.

'I'm fine Tony, I'm here aren't I?'... She said, giving him a smile, before checking the drip she had put up for Clint.

'That's not what I asked Lia..'.. He walked over, grabbing her arm and turning her to him, checking her over... 'Jarvis, scan for injuries..'.. Lia sighed, shaking her head.

'Miss Lia has sustained a gunshot wound to her chest, below her left clavicle. Half an inch lower, and it would have been fatal..'..

'What the fuck lia! That's not fine..'.. He scowled at her, taking her arm and guiding her to a seat. He crouched down, pulling at the collar of her suit, to see... 'What happened?'

Lia slapped his hands away... 'Tony I'm fine, really. I'm OK. Alive and kicking your ass if you man handle me again..'

'What..Happened?'... He stood, glaring down at her. He caught her shooting a look behind him. He turned, seeing Rogers look down.

'I used my power and it drained me. Rogers came to help me and I saw someone aim and shoot at him. I knocked him out of the way, and took the hit..'.. She shrugged... 'I'm fine. Told you, I'm better than the super soldiers. I'll be healed by the time we get back'

Tony pulled her to her feet and into a hug. He was already worried about her being on the mission, but she had done well. She had saved a teammate, and played doc with another one. He let go and looked around at the others... 'Anyone got any objections about her being on the team?'

'I got one..'.. They all turned to Clint on the table, his hand raised... 'No more bow, that's my thing'... Lia chuckled at him. Taking a seat again and laying across the row, she yawned, closing her eyes. It wasn't a minute later, she was fast asleep.


Lia found herself being shaken by Nat, waking her up. She was told they were 5 minutes out from the tower. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Looking around at everyone, her eyes stopped on one... 'Hawk, you dead?'

She heard him chuckle... 'No Doc, but you can wheel me to med bay though. Your bedside manner is what I'm living for..'.. she got up and came to stand next to him, ready to take him off the jet... 'You ok?..'.. She looked down, seeing the concern in his eyes.

Lia gave his shoulder a squeeze... 'Healed, but sore. And starving..'.. She rolled her eyes... 'Tony..'.. She called to him, as she felt the jet land at the tower... 'Burgers please'

'You got it..'.. He called back from the pilot seat.

When the ramp came down, a trolley was wheeled on and she moved Clint over. Giving the nod, she walked with the nurses and Nat, down into the tower, to the lab.


After she had made sure Clint was taken care of, Lia made her way to her room. She was tired, sore and in desperate need of a shower. Opening her door, she walked in and tried to remove her suit.  Her left shoulder was stiff, and she struggled.

'Thank you..'.. She spun, seeing him standing in her doorway. She raised an eyebrow at him, her face blank.

'For what?..'.. She pulled the zip of her suit down her front more, trying to get a better grip on it.

'Saving my life..'.. She could hear him stumbling over his words.

She tried pulling in her left sleeve... 'I didn't do it because I had motives Rogers, I did it because it was the right thing to do. You're important to this team, the country, hell the world. Wasn't gonna let you die, because you've been an asshole..'.. She tugged again, getting frustrated.

'Stupid, fucking, piece of shit, fucking-..'.. She growled, giving up, and flopping to sit on the edge of her bed.

'Are you ok?'... She looked over at him, seeing him fidget, his eyes on the floor.

'Get over here and help me, before I cut it off..'.. She stood back up, Turing her back to him, and moving her hair out of the way... 'I'll ease if off from the front, just need you to pull it off my shoulder and down my arm..'

Steve stood, watching as she moved her hair over her right shoulder. Seeing the expanse of her neck, sent heat down low. Clearing his throat, he walked over, his hands shaking slightly... 'Uh, I-I'll need to touch you, to help. Is that ok?'

He saw her turn her head slightly, looking back at him, a smirk on her lips... 'Depends where you touch me frosty. But can we just get this off? Got dried blood down my body, and it's really uncomfortable'

His mind filled with dark thoughts of desire, when she spoke. Shaking his head, he focused on helping her to remove the suit. He heard her hiss in pain, as her shoulder and arm came free. He stepped back, jamming his hands in his pockets... 'Uh, right well, thanks. Again. Sorry..'

He watched her turn, the top of her suit, sitting around her waist, as she looked at him. His eyes trailed down and back up, catching her staring at him, waiting... 'S-sorry, for how I've been, towards you. I don't really know you, to make a bad call. And for taking your book, and the water..'

Lia couldn't stop the smile from growing on her face. He looked like a naughty child apologising after being on the naughty step. He was blushing and stuttering as he fidgeted... 'Its fine Rogers. Over and done with now. I don't care what pranks you pull, just leave that book alone, and you'll be fine. Now, if you don't mind, I need a shower, food and sleep'

He looked up, realising she had called him by his name. He though back, she called him 'Rogers' on the jet too. He smiled at her, feeling relieved that she accepted his apology.  He gave her a nod, and left her room, pulling her door closed.

He stood for a minute, just smiling, before heading to his room to do the same.


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