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Lia stood in Tonys lab, looking at everyone present. This was it, this is what they had been waiting for. She grinned at them all, her hands caressing her bump.

'Well then ladies and gentlemen, it's go time. You all know what you're doing?'... They all voiced that they did, and she moved to the table, shuffling herself onto the edge, ready to lay down.

Her eyes stopped on one, wanting to give her friend a chance to back out... 'Are you sure you want to do this?'

'You're family Lia. Aunt Peggy adored you. You helped us, and now its my turn to help you..'.. Sharon smiled at her, walking over to take Lias hands in hers... 'I want to do this. As much as I want to kill the bitch myself, I'm sure there's already a line..'

Lia chuckled, pulling Sharon in for a hug... 'I love you, you know that..'

Sharon hugged her tight and stepped back... 'Love you too. Now, let's get this going. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can have the real baby shower..'

Lia looked at them all. Tony, Sharon, Nat, Clint, Loki and Wanda. She was thankful for each one of them. Taking a deep breath, she laid down, closing her eyes, ready to use her magic.

Loki turned to the others and nodded. Using his magic, he altered his appearance, to Lias. He was taking her place, while she did her part in the plan.

'This is utterly strange..'... Loki/Lia looks down, running a hand over his protruding stomach... 'I am fortunate to be man, my back hurts already..'

The others chuckled, and Loki created an illusion of Wanda, to walk with him and the others to the main room, for the baby shower. The real Wanda was staying with Lia, to protect her should anyone come.

Once the others had left, Wanda looked down at Lia, seeing what was going on in her mind. She couldn't help but worry for her pregnant friend, and the others outside of the lab... 'Friday, lock down the lab, and keep me updated on everything..'.. She slips her comm in her ear, as Friday pulls up the feed for the compound.

Lia and Tony had already rerouted the power, and installed programs to protect everything, ready for when Hydra came. They would think that they had knocked out the power, but they had back up generators going already.


Tony walked in, with Loki/Lia on his arm, and he smiled at the others. He felt bad for keeping them out of it, but the less that knew the better, especially Cap. He hoped that the plan would work. Lia had already run it past those that knew at lest half a dozen times.

She had spent the last few days, created a capsule, that would counteract the sleeping gas. Those that knew, would discreetly take it, bite into it, and still pretend to be unconscious.

His heart was racing in his chest, knowing the time was getting closer... 'Take a breath Tony..'.. Loki/Lia whispered... 'Don't want to ruin the surprise now, do we?'.. Tony turned, seeing Loki/Lia glance towards the two soldiers, indicating that they were listening.

'Yeah, sure. OK everyone..'.. He stepped away, rubbing his hands together and forcing a smile... 'My sister and the Cap made a baby, and that's why we're here. So, let's celebrate, but not too much ok? I don't want to pay for your medical bills when she kicks your ass, for making a fool of yourself..'

'Isn't that the same speech she gave you?'... Nat smirked at him, and he rolled his eyes.

Loki/Lia watched as the captian made his way over. Loki could see the man's love for her, shining through. He felt guilty for having to trick the Captain right now.

'You look absolutely stunning sweetheart..'... Captain kissed the side of Loki/Lias head, putting an arm around the waist.

'As do you my Captain..'... Loki remembered that is what she told him, to call Rogers.

'Are you ok? You seem different..'... Rogers asks, frowning.

'Just hungry. Would you mind getting me something to eat please?'.... Loki/Lia smiled.

Rogers grinned back, nodding... 'Still bacon and pickles, or is there something else you're craving?'

Loki almost retched at the thought of eating those disgusting things, so he forced a smile... 'Sweet this time. Hmm, maybe some of those truffles Tony always hides away?'

Rogers looked confused, then nodded... 'Whatever you want. I'm sure he can spare a few for you..'

Loki let out a breath of relief, that Rogers had moved away. He looked over to Tony, giving a small nod, as Nat came over. Loki made sure that illusion Wanda, stayed close to Sharon at all times.

'Its time. They're here. North east corner of the grounds. Looks like they're taking aim at the windows. Get ready..'.. The small team heard Wanda in their comms, moving into position. Each of them discreetly placed their capsules in their mouths.

Not 30 seconds later, the windows exploded, and glass rained over them, as they all ducked. Nat looked to Sharon and nodded, and the blonde woman, quickly slipped the syringe from her pocket, and threw herself over the traitor, as if to shield her, as the sleeping gas was thrown into the air room.

Sharon injected the woman, as they both crashed to the floor, bursting her capsule, and slipping the syringe back into her pocket, as she pretended to pass out.

Loki/Lia was already laying on the ground, with the others, as they were unconscious. They knew they had to wait until Hydra were in the room.

Nat remained on her back, her head tilted to the side and her eyes closed, listening to the footsteps as they came in.

'Targets down, I repeat targets are down. Prepare for extraction of the soldier and mother..'..

'Sir, we have our agent. Bringing her around now..'..

Nat heard the woman cough, and it sounded like she want getting up. She knew it wouldn't take long for the injection to kick in. She wanted to smile, but knew she couldn't.

'About damn time. I'm sick of playing nice. I've spent my whole life, waiting for a moment to be recognised in Hydra, now because of her, I will be. Pick her up, get her out of here now, and Barnes...'...

Hearing the venom in the womans tone, made Nat sick to her stomach. Gone was the happy, friendly person, and replaced with disdain and disgust. Nat counted how many sets of footsteps she could hear, and shouted out to Loki in her mind. He would then communicate with the others, to let them know.

'All clear agent. What do you want to do with them?'...

'Blow the place. Make it look like the witch did it. Can always blame one of the enhanced..'..

'NOW!'... Nat screamed in her mind, and she reached under the couch she was next to, and pulled her guns free. Her eyes found her first targets, and she shot them in the head. She heard the others move too, knowing Loki was remaining in character, as Hydra agents took 'Lia' and Bucky. Nat smirked as she flipped to her feet, knowing that they would never make it to their jets.

She took out another two Hydra, just as Sharon aimed and shot behind Nat. The two women nodded at one another, as they worked with Tony and Clint, to clear the last Hydra agents inside.

Tony called out to Wanda, as he blasted one agent back out the broken windows... 'How's she doing Wanda?'

They heard her chuckle... 'Hell hath no Fury, like a woman scorned right? Well, this is one seriously, pissed off, hormonal mama. You might want to look outside when you got a minute'

Tony spins, seeing what was going on, and he burst out laughing... 'That is fucking amazing!..'...


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