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Lia was dancing around her room in her underwear, with the other girls. She didn't care that she wasn't fully dressed yet, she just didn't want to spoil her dress.

'So, how are you really feeling?'... Pepper asks her, from her spot on the bed.

'Uh uh, none of that. I've psyched myself up all day for this party, and I'm going to enjoy every last minute of it. Then tomorrow, I'm off home.'.. She smiled at the six women.

Pepper, Nat, Maria and Helen were on her bed, all dressed for the party, Ellie and Wanda were currently talking on her couch by her window. She wasn't fazed that she was the only one dancing, she no longer gave a shit.

Hearing a knock on her door, she swayed over to it, pulling it open. She laughed, seeing the shocked looks on Bucky, Sam and Pietros faces. She waved them in, and kept dancing.

'Why do we always miss out on the good times?'..  Sam asks Bucky, but it was clear his attention was on a certain agent. Sam just shook his head, clapping Bucky on the back... 'Just marry the girl already..'

'I second that..'.. Lia looks at Ellie then Bucky... 'I'm giving you 6 months to propose, and then I'm turning her to the darkside..'

Bucky shook his head, smirking and shoved Lia towards her closet... 'Get dressed before Pietro dies of a stroke..'... He gestured to the speedster, who was still stood staring at her half naked body.

Lia winked at the other two men, and slowly walked over to Pietro, licking her lips... 'It depends on what stroke he gets, right?'... Both men sniggered seeing him gulp and look terrified.

'Lia, leave the boy alone. He's not used to you yet..'.. Lia turned and winked at Nat.

'Don't get jealous Red, I told you I'd turn for you, any time, any where..'.. Lia purred at her.

'Ok, let's tone it down. No one wants a free show..'.. Pepper rolls her eyes and stands up, grabbing Lias dress from the closet and handing it to her... 'Get dressed, and lets get going..'

Lia chuckled and took the dress of the hanger. She didn't care she had a room full of people as she stepped into the dress and slowly pulled it up. Nat was sniggering and Lia turned her head to look at the guys.

'Seems they're enjoying the free show. They're all standing to attention..'.. She nods to their groins and the all shuffle back, escaping out of the room. The other girls all burst out laughing at Lia teasing them.

She finished getting ready, and all the women headed down the hallway to the main room.


Steve sat at the table, that held all the drinks. Tony had wanted an informal party for Lia, and had kept it small, just the Avengers and a few others. He sighed, finishing his beer, and grabbing another. He was thankful, Thor had left both him and Bucky a flask of ale, he didn't think he would get through tonight without it. He tipped more than his usual amount if drops in his bottle, and took a large gulp.

'You want to slow down?'... He felt his bottle get taken and he looked up, seeing Tony stood next to him, concern in his face... 'Look..'.. Tony sat down next to Steve, thankful that the others hadn't arrived yet. He kept his voice low, knowing his sister had super hearing.

'I don't know what happened between you two, when you woke her up, but it's clearly making you both miserable. I don't want the specific details, but at least talk to me..'.. Tony handed the bottle back, and Steve just played with the label.

'I got through to her, by talking to her like I used to. Called her lazy and a few other things to make her angry, and it worked. I got through to her..'... Steve sighed.. 'She thinks I kissed her during the battle, because I was either feeling guilty over how I've treated her, or because I'm flattered that she's in love with me. Even after she woke up, her reaction to it all, I don't think she'd ever believe me..'

Tony saw how miserable Steve was. He patted him on the shoulder, knowing he was going to have a hard time trying to get through to her... 'She's known how she's felt about you for years. And yeah, how you two have been behaving towards each other hasn't been great. She has a hard time trusting anything people say, she's never had it easy. But like the queen said, she'll come around, she just needs time..'

Steve nodded at Tony's words, and heard footsteps coming towards them. He could tell it was the girls... 'I won't ruin tonight for her Tony, she needs this. She needs to have fun..'.. He whispered. Tony gave him a smile, and stood, walking over to the doors as Pepper, Lia and the others came in.

He looked over and felt as though someone had knocked the wind out of him. She looked absolutely stunning. Her dress covered her from her neck, to her wrists and stopped half way to her knees. It was a plan navy dress, but she looked beautiful. He couldn't help but smile, it was the same shade of his suit.


Lia had spent the night laughing and dancing with almost everyone, and now they were all worn out. Tony wanted to be juvenile and play truth, dare, drink. He explained the rules, and had everyone spread out around the coffee table. He place a bottle on it, and spun. He smirked, as Bruce was the first victim.

The poor guy went for the easy option, with Tony asking if him and Nat had done it in the lab yet. Bruce just took a mouthful of his drink and looked at Nat, who was just grinning. Lia laughed and cheered for them both.

'Wow doc, didn't know you had it in you. Please tell me you sanitised after, right?'... She winked at Bruce who blushed. He spun and it landed on Bucky.

The game went on a few rounds until Wanda landed on Lia. She sat forward resting her chin in her hand smiling at the woman... 'Ah see, now if I say truth, you'll read me and pick a question I'd have to say yes to, or if a pick a dare, you'll chose something outlandish..'

The others chuckled at her words... 'Fuck it, let's do dare. Hit me with it little witch..'

Wanda hesitated, and then smiled... 'I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room..'

'Oh that's easy..'.. Lia stood and headed over to the other couch... 'Pucker up sunshine..'... The others sniggered and whistled at her kissing Nat again. Bruce shuffled in his seat, shaking his head with a smirk on his face.

Lia went to sit back in her seat, grinning... 'Yeah, nice try there Wanda. I know who you thought I'd pick..'.. She knocked back her glass, and spun the bottle, landing on Sam. She gave him a dare he decided to drink on instead. He really didn't want to give Bucky a lap dance.

Sam had Steve next, and she stood to go get another drink. She was tired of putting on a front, but knew she only had to carry on until she was leaving tomorrow. Grabbing the last of the scotch, she made her way back to the couch, only for Steve to block her way.

'Uh, excuse you, you're in my way snowflake...'.. She moved to the side to walk around him, not caring that the others were staring. She flopped on the couch, and looked around... 'What?'... She was so confused as to why they were gawking at her. She saw Cap pick up his drink, clearing his glass and leave the room.

'Careful how you go there icicle, you may end up po-going on that stick if you slouch any more..'.. She called out, smirking. Drinking straight from the bottle, she smiled... 'So, who's turn is it next?..'


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