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Tony knew he would never cease to be amazed at what his sister could do. He laughed again, quickly helping the other three to take down the Hydra agents inside. Once that was done, Wanda gave the all clear, that there were none anywhere else in the compound.

Tony, Nat, Clint and Sharon all watched the chaos ensue outside, and they all chucked.

'You know, when she told she could do magic, I didn't really believe it, but I got to say, that is impressive..'... Sharon stares, watching, what was happening.

'I would feel bad for them, but..'.. Clint shrugs looking at the others... 'Those assholes deserve it. I never want to be on her bad side..'


Lia knew they were scared shitless, and so they should be. She was quite proud of herself, for being able to do it.

Being able to create physical projections of herself, and then shape-shift each one, was an amazing achievement on her part. She looked down at Hydra, seeing them try to reach their jet.

It was funny to see them scattering like little ants, but then again, wouldn't anyone, who came face to face with 6 large white dragons?

She took control of one, diving and drawing fire from within her, as she breathed fire over the jet. She had the other 5 dragons land, circling the last remaining Hydra agents, who were carrying Loki/Lia and Bucky.

Dropping this dragon down, she stood defensively, blocking them in completely. She snorted fire at them, distracting the agents, as Loki threw himself from the hold 2 agents had on him, driving his daggers into their middles. He spun, grabbing hold of Bucky, and teleporting them, back into the compound to the others.

'She is amazing, is she not?'... He grinned proudly, placing Bucky on one of the couches, as Sharon, Nat and Clint began giving a capsule to each one of the others.

'If anyone had a right to kill the Hydra bitch, it's Lia...'... Tony clapped Loki on the back, turning as he heard the others groan, coming round from the gas.

'Wha-what the hell is going on? Tony?..'.. He winced, hearing Peppers pissed off tone.

He waited until everyone was awake, and gave them a quick version of what was happening. They all heard a roar, and then a thump. Turning, they saw a dragon land right outside of the broken windows, and it threw something to the floor, right in front of Tony's feet.

'I got it from here. Wake up, and come join the fun..'... Tony nods to the dragon, and all six of them disappeared, like smoke. He looked down at the woman, smirking, as he put his foot to her chest... 'You really pissed her off..'

Less than a minute later, a portal opened, with Lia and Wanda walking through. Lia grinned at everyone, and walked over to her Captian, pulling him in for a long kiss... 'I'll explain in a little bit, but first..'

She walked over to stand next to Tony, and folded her arms, as the others closed ranks around them. She smirked down at the woman, shaking her head... 'Did you honestly think you could get away with it?'... The woman didn't say anything, just glared at Lia.

'Honestly, I don't know who I should let take a shot at you, but my money is on Pepper getting to you first..'... Lia watched as Nat and Clint hauled the woman to her feet, cuffing her hands behind her back. The moment she was secured, Sharon punched the woman in the face.

'You are such a fucking traitor Hill..'... Sharon seethed with rage. This woman had wormed her way right into SHIELD, became Furys right hand, and she was loyal to the enemy.

Maria turned her head, and spat blood to the floor, smirking back at them all... 'Hail Hyd-..'

She didn't get to finish her sentence, as Peper came forward, punching Maria in the face so hard, she knocked the woman out.

'Fuck me Pep! That was hot!'... Lia laughed. She rushed forward, hugging her sister, and then turned to hug Sharon.

She looked down at the cuffed woman on the floor, then up to Nat and Clint... 'Do you mind putting the trash away?'... They both laughed, gripping Maria's arms and hauled her off.

'Someone want to tell me, what the fuck is going on!'... Lia turned, seeing Rogers angry.

She folded her arms, winking at him... 'Mind your language Cap, there's a kid present..'... She pointed to her stomach.


Tony and the others had secured any of the Hydra agents that were still alive, while Sharon called in Fury to help clean up the ones that were dead. A clean up crew was also in to take care of the damage that was done.

Lia sat on a couch, eating a bacon and pickle sandwich, while she rested her feet on Bucky. She knew he was lost in thought over what could have happened. Swallowing her mouthful, she nudged him with her foot.

'Hey, buckabaloo..'... She saw him close his eyes, shaking his head... 'Look at me..'.. She waited for him to do so, and she gave him a smile... 'I promise you, I would never let them take you from me, from us. Loki would've always put you first, because we wanted to protect you, ok?'

She saw him swallow hard, his eyes filled with pain and sadness. She put her plate on the coffee table, and shifted to sit on his lap, hugging him tight... 'I know what you're thinking, and I promise you, you were a priority for me. There's no chance of you going back, because I won't let anyone hurt you. You're my family Buck..'

Bucky just nodded into her shoulder, fighting back emotions. Tony had told them all what had happened, and how they found out. It hurt him to know, what Hydras plans were, for him and for her. He would never do that to Steve.

He rubbed her back, his eyes catching on Steve. He knew his friend had heard, and Steve just nodded at him. He forced a smile... 'You were a dragon?'

She pulled back to scowl at him... 'Uh, I was 6 dragons, get it right. I kicked ass, blew up a jet and did it all while asleep..'

Bucky chuckled, he absolutely adored her. Glancing at Steve, he leaned in to whisper in her ear... 'Steve isn't in first place for my best friend any more, it's you..'

He pulled back, hearing Steve burst out laughing from the kitchen area... 'Same goes for you too pal. She's mine too.. '

Lia got off buckys lap, after kissing his cheek, and walked over to Steve. She pulled him close, brushing a kiss against his lips... 'So, how much trouble am I in exactly?'


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